Monday, December 30, 2019
Lean On Me By Movie Review - 1226 Words
Lean on Me is a 1989 fact-based film that portrays the struggles prevalent in a school district in New Jersey and how one man uses multiple strategies to make the ultimate solution. East Side High was once a successful school. Like many other aspects of society, school district administrators watch as this school deteriorates from drug abuse, violence, and lack of motivation amongst students. The superintendent, Dr. Napier recruits Mr. Joe Clark, an independent minded teacher as the new principal with hope that he would clean up and save East Side High. Mr. Clark expels 300 students that he deemed as trouble makers, develops a personal relationship with his students, uses extreme and unlawful tactics to protect the students who seek to succeed in order to prove his determination in salvaging the educational environment and turning his mostly minority student body into literate and productive citizens. If one can understand why Mr. Clark took such drastic measures from a school admini strator s point of view, more people will coordinate with principals and teachers whom take nontraditional approaches to leading one’s schools into success. Once more people are acceptable of academic leaders’ behaviors, there will be less people working against the students because of an adult’s decisions and more time dedicated towards the educational advancement of students at-large. Focusing on student’s educational attainment will make one feel appreciated in society. In return, moreShow MoreRelated Lean on Me a review of the movie Essays568 Words  | 3 Pages Lean on me is a good film especially for school administrators and people who are thinking of becoming an administrator some day. It gives us a lot of insight in handling different challenges faced by administrators. There were a couple of interesting points that struck me while watching the movie. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019
Symptoms And Treatment Of Lyme Disease - 1454 Words
Introduction Lyme disease has been the most commonly reported vector-borne illness in the United States since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention started reporting it in 1991 [1]. It should be noted that Lyme disease does not occur everywhere in the US, and is heavily concentrated in upper Midwest and northeast United States [1]. This report has been compiled to provide recommendations for antimicrobial prophylactic treatment of Lyme disease once a patient encounters a tick bite. Lyme disease is a multisystem inflammatory disorder caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi, which is transmitted by Ixodes dammini. [3]. I. dammini is commonly known as and referred to as the deer tick. Lyme disease can affect many organ systems†¦show more content†¦burgdorferi and Lyme disease cannot be acquired. Throughout the last decade the prevention of Lyme disease has been very controversial. Serological testing, vaccines, and antimicrobial therapy are highly researched areas, but only antimicrobial therapy has been proven useful for the prevention of Lyme disease. Serologic testing has not been proven to be effective in identifying B. burgdorferi and is not recommended. There are little to no antibodies present when a tick bite is encountered, thus serological testing will be negative. Any positive serological testing is highly probable for a false-positive, or the patient has had been bit prior to this encounter and already has Lyme disease [22]. Although a vaccine does exist, its cost and multiple doses needed to achieve immunity have limited its acceptability by the medical community [20, 21]. Antimicrobial therapy has been at the forefront of research in trying to identify if prophylactic treatment is necessary, what drug is most successful, and what dosing is most appropriate. Antimicrobial Prophylaxis In 1992 Shapiro et al. published their research informing providers prophylactic antimicrobial treatment is not routinely indicated [2] There were a total of 387 patients in the controlled trial, 203 patients assigned to receive amoxicillin and 182 were given a placebo [2]. Either 250mg of amoxicillin or a placebo was given to subjects three times a day for ten days. 15 subjects dropped out and 7
Friday, December 13, 2019
Differences in Socioeconomic Status Free Essays
Three social factors that most impact the scenario are social stratification, socioeconomic status, and class differences. Social stratification ranks individuals and families on the basis of their income, education, occupation, wealth, and power in society. This social stratification can be seem in the eighth grade boys that showed up at the Valentine’s Day dance with the rented tuxes that their parents had agreed to and paid for. We will write a custom essay sample on Differences in Socioeconomic Status or any similar topic only for you Order Now These parents are mentioned to be among the more affluent in the community. Socioeconomic status is determined by a family’s income and wealth. This is demonstrated in the students that did not have the money to rent the tuxedos and the rumored limo. These students being from a different socioeconomic background and could not afford the expensive attire. Class differences are demonstrated because of some students wanting to boycott the dance because they were told only the nerds and the geeks would show up in anything less of a tux or formal dress. Their parents do not have extra money to spend on such elaborate things. The other students express behaviors and dress standards far from what the school has seen before. A variable solution to the Differences in Socioeconomic Status scenario would be for the school administration to intervene the situation. They could decide to make it mandatory that only a certain type of dress will be considered acceptable for the Valentine’s Day dance. They could change it to where all students would be able to afford the required attire. This way all students would feel equal. Also the kids that wanted to rent the limo would probably change their mind because of it not being such a formal event. It would seem sort of silly to rent a limo for a casual Valentine’s Day dance. This issue of what attire should be addressed in a school assembly to let all students know of the dress code for the dance. This way it will not be such an issue in the years to come afterwards. Students will already know what to expect and be prepared for it. How to cite Differences in Socioeconomic Status, Papers
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Parts of Water Closet Essay Example For Students
Parts of Water Closet Essay A fallback (also palatal or float valve) is a mechanism or machine for filling water tanks, such as those found in flush toilets, while avoiding overflow and (in the event Of low water pressure) backfill. The modern fallback was invented by Joss Antonio De Least y Ramirez, a Mexican priest and scientist, who described the device in 1790 in the Gate De Literature MCCANN. It consists Of a valve connected to a hollow sealed float by means of a lever, mounted near the top f the tank. The float is often ball-shaped, whence the name fallback. The valve is connected to the incoming water supply, and is opened and closed by the lever which has the float mounted on the end. When the water level rises, the float rises with it; once it rises to a pre-set level, the mechanism forces the lever to close the valve and shut off the water flow. This is an example of negative feedback and of proportional control. When a toilets handle is turned, a discharge mechanism is activated by means of rod or chain. The mechanism may be a flapper valve, which is designed to sink more slowly than the water, which will exit to the toilet bowl below, 50 that the tank may empty. As the tank water level drops, the float descends and actuates the fill valve, Water is fed to the tank to replenish its supply, and a smaller flow is directed into the overflow tube to refill the bowl. Once the flapper valve closes, the water flow from the fill valve continues until the tank level again reaches the fill line. Float rod It is the threaded rod that links the fallback and float. Float ball A floating ball attached to a lever to regulate the water level in a tank. Trip lever Flush handle and actuating earn on a toilet tank. Also the lever that opens and closes the drain on the bathtub waste and overflow. Flush valve The valve separating the water in the tank from the bowl. Lift rod Also known as connecting rod. Faucet component that opens the pop-up drain in a lavatory even the lift rod is depressed. When rod is lifted, the drain closes so he lavatory Will retain water. Overflow tube The vertical tube inside a toilet tank that directs water into the bowl in case the fallback malfunctions. Refill tube A tube in toilets that sends water from the fallback into an overflow tube to refill the bowl after a siphon break. Tramway The channel in a toilet that connects the bowl to the waste outlet.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Princess, The Knight, And The Dragon By Malarkey - Poetry Analysis
"The Princess, the Knight, and the Dragon" by Malarkey - Poetry Analysis The human institutions of nobility and dignity are often criticized by satirists. These satirists see these as arbitrary rules that man has placed on himself that do not help, and may even hurt them, in the long run. This point is capitalized upon by Stoddard Malarkey in his poem "The Princess, the Knight, and the Dragon". In the poem Malarkey's opinions can clearly be seen through the examples of the characters Princess Miranda, the maid, and the knight. The character of Princess Miranda is the obvious representative of ideas of dignity and nobility. She, fully aware of her own danger, does what the code of nobility that she follows dictates her to do, ignore the threat of Faggon the Dragon. She ignores the natural, logical warning of fear that she has in order to strictly follow her code. It is because of this that she can is taken prisoner and eventually eaten, for if she had not been so eager to be courageous she would have run home and avoided being captured by Faggon. The princess is directly contrasted by the characters of the maid and the knight. Where the princess follows her code of noble action and is punished, the knight and maid undertake unchivalrous actions and are rewarded. Both the maid and knight follow the natural instinct that is ignored by Miranda. Faced with the same threat the maid and the knight both react in a logical manner. They see that there is little chance of being in any way triumphant over Faggon, and violate the code of nobility for something that is more important to them, their lives. As such they manage to survive and live out the rest of their lives in happiness, where the Princess is forced into a life of torture and finally death. Malarkey effectively conveys his point through the consequences of his characters. Despite it light, Horatian nature it conveys the message that codes of honor and other such rule systems only serve to endanger man. He displays that dignity can sometimes turn winning situations into losing ones.
Monday, November 25, 2019
The ring essays
The ring essays The film The Ring is about a young girl who is terribly murdered by her unruly mother. The story shows how the young girl gets people to realise how she was killed in a very disturbing way. The main way to show this is to kill them in a similar way, unjustified and terrifying. Also the fact that you feel you have no control over of whats going to happen to you once youve viewed the tape. It took seven days for her to die in the circumstances that she was in. The person who her message gets through to is Rachel, a New York journalist, who enlists the help of her ex-husband Noah, a video expert and her less than normal son Aiden who is also Noahs son. Her investigations, along with Noah, eventually lead to Noahs death. The film is definitely a horror as there is a lot of suspense and uncertainty, this is shown right from the opening sequence when Becca and Katie are talking on the bed disusing a supposed killer tape and the possible outcomes of watching the tape. Then one of the girls admits to viewing a weird tape the previous week, then to shock you one of them acts out what she thinks will happen to you if you watch the tape. When you realise that she is pretending you feel relieved. One of the ideas the girls had about the tape is that the phone rings when this happens the camera zooms in on the phone this makes you unaware of anything going on around the phone. This helps build suspense, this is typical of a horror. Finally after a week of viewing the tape, sure enough, the phone rings. This causes you to panic and worry. This feeling is present in any decent horror movie. When you find out that it is indeed her Mum on the phone, you are glad that the girls are safe, this is often referred to a being relieved. The traditional ingredients for a horror film are a creepy implied violence and screaming, innocent victims pleading for their lives. Also the approach to the music and the way that the ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
My Teaching Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
My Teaching Philosophy - Essay Example I don’t want to produce a workforce that is well educated but not competent enough to handle the complexities of the real life problems. Using moving image is a very important part of my teaching style which makes it all the more convenient for the students to understand the concept. I believe that human tendency to learn is at its best when it requires the humans to use maximum senses. Thus, if I only deliver the lecture without showing the students videos, they would only engage their hearing sense to understand me in the class. On the other hand, when I supplement my theoretical demonstration with the moving image, the students not only engage their hearing sense in the lecture, but also make use of their viewing sense. Thus, learning occurs at two levels. I also need the multimedia demonstration in order to show the videos of concepts being applied on the real life cases. Therefore, multimedia is a very essential component of my
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Parenting Capacity and Substance Misuse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words
Parenting Capacity and Substance Misuse - Essay Example Because these effects within the children have a strong potential to be carried into the next generation as well as to impact the public health, it is necessary for the social worker to learn how to recognize these signs and develop means of providing the children with the needed elements they are missing within the home. While this seems a nearly impossible task without the investment of vast resources and time into each family unit, there are some tools and practices that may help. It is the purpose of this study to examine the prevalence of these issues within society and to illustrate the importance of understanding on the part of the social worker in bringing about positive effective change within the home. It seems to be almost common knowledge that substance abuse/misuse can have serious detrimental effects on the care and raising of children within the home where one or both parents are involved in substance abuse activity. The tendency of this thinking holds that all children living within homes in which substances are used or abused are the victims of domestic violence. However, children living in these types of situations may not have any experience at all with the concept of violence within the home, yet may have numerous other issues to deal with as a result of neglect or other forms of abuse. Parents engaging in substance abuse may not have enough time or attention to provide their children with the necessary skills and attention they require to thrive while the parents may also be spending much-needed time and money away from the home as a means of supporting their habit. Children living in this sort of environment may find themselves needing to survive without adequate cloth ing, food or housing while also being required to essentially raise themselves without the benefit of parental guidance or support. This situation can have serious public implications as teenagers, having grown up in this sort of environment, tend to have
Monday, November 18, 2019
SWOT analysis Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
SWOT analysis - Case Study Example It offers 24/7 services to the customers and its services are designed to satisfy the needs and interests of the targeted customers. The company is also comprised of skilled and experienced leaders who can successfully steer it towards growth and development. The company capitalises on entrepreneurial leadership styles of its leaders who are capable of anticipating changes that may take place in the environment in which it is operating. The other strength of the company is that it has a flat organisational structure that helps it to promote efficient communication among the stakeholders. This helps it to remain flexible and reliable in the services it offers to different customers. A close analysis of the case study of Zipcar shows that it has more strengths and opportunities compared to threats and weaknesses. This gives the company a competitive advantage since it has more chances for growth and
Friday, November 15, 2019
Is Quantitative Easing useful to Stimulate the UK economy
Is Quantitative Easing useful to Stimulate the UK economy Abstract After the global financial crisis took place in late 2008, quantitative easing started to be considered as a potential solution to the recession all over the world. Usually, governments used to regulate key interest rates to achieve the goal of modifying underperforming economics, but this no longer seems to be competent because interest rate cutting may not be a sufficient measure to bring the world economy back on track. Therefore, quantitative easing policy is adopted to adjust the circulation of money in the economy. The project sets out to analyze whether the quantitative easing policy is suitable for the economic situation in the UK. The conclusion drawn by this essay is that quantitative easing policy is not a proper solution to UKs economy and that more attention should be paid concerning its implementation in this systematically incomplete situation. Contents Abstract 3 Contents 4 List of Figures 5 Introduction 1 1.Quantitative Easing Policy in the U.K. 2 2.Disadvantages of Quantitative Easing 3 3.Advantages of Quantitative Easing 7 4.Argument 10 5.Evidences 12 Conclusion 16 References 17 List of Figures Figure 1: UK Money multiplier 5 Figure 2: The Trend of GBP/USD Since 2005 6 Figure 3: UK 10-year Government Bond Yield (%) 14 Figure 4: Growth rate of M4 from Bank of England 15 Introduction Quantitative easing (QE) designates an application of monetary policy used to stimulate the economy. In other words, quantitative easing can be defined as an economic policy that uses an expansion of the money supply to purchase assets (Meier 2009). Normally, the central bank of a country provides extra capital to ease pressure on banks by putting huge amount of money into markets to buy back bonds or gilts either from banks or commercial sectors. Quantitative easing offers two possible benefits. First, the volume of lending of banks will increase as banks have more cash in exchange for bonds or gilts with the government. The other benefit is that diminishing the supply of gilts will increase the price of gilts. Consequently, the gilt yields decrease, and further, long-term interest rate for overdraft and some mortgage decreases as well (Elliott 2009). In 2009 March, the UK government announced a plan that the government would implement quantitative easing and set the bank rate at 0.5% in order to meet the inflation target of 2% and would stimulate the economy by increasing spending. Mitigation of the bank rate can greatly stimulate the economy. If the rate further approaches zero reduction, it may be less effective. Besides, injecting more money directly into the market by purchasing assets can also boost the economy. Moreover, Krugman (1998) states that the money supply is not the only factor that contributes to long-term inflation. However, others argue that monetary oversupply will lead to high inflation and countries will fall into a financial trap. The aim of this essay is to demonstrate opinions based on the current literature encompassing both sides of the subject, to enrich it with its momentary effects on the British economy and then finally to give an assessment of the subject. Quantitative Easing Policy in the U.K. During the economic recession in 2008, UK interest rates were at the lowest level (0.5%) in the Bank of Englands 315-year history. The reason why the Bank conducted a series of interest rate cuts was that it aimed to encourage the commercial banks to lend again. However, the aim was not achieved. Even though the interest rate was quite low, the economy remained stagnant and the consumer spending remained flat. The British government decided to apply the same policy to drag them out of the recession. The first plan was announced in March 2009, stating that  £75bn would be made available to purchase government bonds and corporate debt during the following three months in order to provide liquidity in the economy. This raised the concern about the consequence of quantitative easing in the U.K. The argument can be generally divided into two divisions. One division believes that printing money will lead to high inflation in years to come, while the other argues that the economic situation is more likely to follow the example of Japan in the 1990s. It is evident that both arguments have reasonable points. Nevertheless, according to the data obtained, UK will probably suffer from inflation in years to come. Firstly, in theory, quantitative easing itself is an aggressive policy due to the fact that it increases the size of the money base in the economy and a large money base is usually regarded as the cause of inflation. However, some economists argue that the policy is not simply printing money. Germany and Zimbabwe did in the 1920s (BBC), it still considerably increases the central banks balance sheet and the monetary base. In addition, there is not a standard to assess the accurate and appropriate amount of money to be injected into the market and hence it is highly difficult to decide the amount of quantitative easing, and if the amount decided is larger than the market actually needs, high inflation may inevitably occur. As is indicated by Jason Simpson from the Royal Bank of Scotland (BBC), inflation is considerably stronger than the bank had expected and there are concerns that it wont get back within target if QE continued. Secondly, in reality, as is measured by the Office of National Statistics, there is currently an upward pressure on CPI (Consumer Price Index) (an index of the cost of all goods and services to a typical consumer) annual inflation. The CPI annual inflation was 3.4 percent in March 2010, which is far beyond the initial aim of quantitative easing policy-to increase the inflation rate to 2 percent. In February, the rate was 3 percent, while Europes inflation rate as a whole was only 1.4 percent (Office of National Statistics 2010). Considering these issues, there is no evidence to demonstrate that the rapid increase in the CPI annual inflation rate is not a consequence of quantitative easing policy. Disadvantages of Quantitative Easing It seems that conducting Quantitative Easing policy by raising the monetary base in the United Kingdom can effectively stimulate the investment market and help recover the economy. Generally, one of the basic formulas of monetary policy is MV=PQ (M is the stock of broad money, V is the velocity of circulation, P is the aggregate price level of commodities, and Q is the economic quantity) and we usually assume M as a multiple of the monetary base as well (Ellis 2009 and Haung 2009). On the base of QE, policy-makers expect to enlarge the nominal spending (PQ) in UK economy. However, several potential problems still exist and there are uncertainties behind this policy. First of all, there is a distinct possibility of exam deflation becoming a consequence (Haung 2008). Adopting quantitative easing during recent financial crisis should cause a significant rise in P; in other words, the increase of M and decrease in Q will lead to a climbing in P theoretically. At the same time, nonetheless, V plunges because of the credit risk which indicates that banks have no money for lending or that they are reluctant to lend money to borrowers; therefore, it leads to a drop of P as well (Haung 2008). As a whole, the future price is decided by the rate of money which depends on peoples confidence. If people have strong tendency toward saving or banks are still afraid of lending money to investors, the monetary velocity will not improve after recession. And this may cause deflation. For example, the Japanese government carried on a quantitative easing program after the recession in 90s, while their perspective on saving let people become more risk-averse and unwil ling to invest. Hence, Japan faced with a serious deflation and lower exchange rate which did not promote the general social situation. Furthermore, Ellis (2009) put forward the idea that a high unemployment rate and the chance of deflation forces people to shift their demand from increasing expense and investment to saving. On the other hand, it may lead to severe inflation (Bullard 2010). Bullard, the president and the CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, argued that if government does not control the monetary velocity well after the implement of the quantitative easing policy, the increase in money supply will result in an undesirably large acceleration of credit and then an undesirably large increase in inflation. Consequently, it is difficult to deliberate and predict the extent of quantitative easing which may incur deflation or inflation easily (Bullard 2010). Second, it is unsure that this extra money will be used by businesses and households (Ellis 2009). In figure 1, Ellis (2009) illustrated that the money multiplier (Money multiplier is the relationship between broad money as well as money base) reduced considerably during last few years which may not reach the fixed goal of quantitative easing, although the Bank of England believed that a large increase in demand will come along through only a small rise in the supply of money (Ellis 2009). Source from: Bank of England and Elliss calculations Figure 1: UK Money multiplier He also claimed that banks using new money to purchase new financial assets may have less influence on increasing broad money; in contrast, those banks tended to restructure their financial foundation and then they were reluctant to lend money after boosting their investment activity. As a result, quantitative easing policy may not indeed generate predicted commercial and domestic spending. Finally, the increase of money supply may result from foreign investors because of the weaker sterling and the arbitrage on financial assets (Ellis 2009). Figure 2 shows the variation of the exchange rate (The vertical illustrates the value of the British Pound against the US dollar). Source from: Reuters UK, April, 2010. Figure 2: The Trend of GBP/USD Since 2005 Sterling has become weaker since the sub-prime crisis in 2008. In other words, investors may be more willing to hold cash by selling their new financial assets. It is because that when banks invest more financial securities with new money, those stock prices will go up slightly and offer an opportunity for earning a short term advantage (Ellis 2009). Moreover, Ellis (2009) demonstrated that foreign investors will have the tendency to sell the securities in order to transfer to the alternative currencies if sterling is still relative weak. Thus, a great money supply indeed boosts the UK economy; nevertheless, it is not mainly from the higher households and business activities spending. Instead, it may come from the spending by foreigners who earn new cash from securities as well as from the weaker sterling. Advantages of Quantitative Easing According to Orphanides and Wieland (2000), central banks normally prefer to use an interest rate rather than a monetary quantity as operating target. Interest rates are considered much easier to observe and to control on a continuous basis than monetary policy. However, when the interest rate is in a near-zero level, the quantity of base money remains available as a tool for gauging the extent of monetary easing. The way to do this is for the central bank to buy assets in exchange for money. In theory, any assets can be bought from anybody. In practice, the focus of quantitative easing is on buying securities, such as government debt, mortgage-backed securities or even equities from banks. Firstly, the bank creates new money electronically in its accounts. Then the bank buys bonds (companies IOUs) and gilts (Government IOUs) from commercial banks. The value of the bonds and gilts bought is now credited to banks that sold them. The commercial banks can make new loans against the increased funding. Extra lending boosts cash and credit flowing in the economy. Extra demand for bonds and gilts from the bank drives down interest rates for business and consumer borrowers. As a result, flows of extra and cheaper money stimulate growth. There are some possible effects of quantitative easing according to the macroeconomic theory. Firstly, in theory, it could reduce cost of capital of the whole economy by bringing down the interest rate (Pankiw 2009). As through QE, the Bank of England (BoE) will lower the government yield as buying government bond from non-bank sector. Thus investors could prefer riskier investment elsewhere in order to get higher return, such as corporate bonds, loans, commercial paper and equities. As a result, the yields on these assets would also be expected to fall. Secondly, QE is able to improve the capital positions of banks (Pankiw 2009). Whatever money does not go into either financial or real economic investment will find its way into deposits at commercial banks. This should help improve banks funding positions and, in theory, make them more comfortable with devoting capital to lending. Furthermore, it is evidenced that QE can stimulate growth in the money supply to the real economy (Pankiw 2009). As Treasuries start lending to the non-financial corporate sector, confidence becomes stable. By pumping into the real economy, the money created through QE is considered to be able to drive the economic recovery forward. In addition, it is argued that monetary policies could have additional effects on the economy, via so-called credit channel, because interest-rate decisions affect the cost and availability of credit (Iordache 2009). The credit channel contains the balance-sheet channel and the bank-lending channel (Bernanke and Gertler 1995). According to the Pure Expectations Theory, it asserts that the forward rates exclusively represent the expected future rates which mean that the entire term structure reflects the markets expectations of future short-term rates. As it experiences an upward slope of yield curve currently, investors are pricing an increasing level of inflation and subsequently a change in Feds monetary policy (Iordache 2009). As known in theory, the central bank should continue expanding its balance sheet to eventually reduce the yield. Therefore the low level of the interest rates at the moment and the QE program will pick up the economy by strengthening the consumer spending. A s the expectation improved, it will increase the aggregate demand and then reduce the unemployment rate. Finally, the increase in asset price boosts the wealth and improves the balance sheet. It is reported that Quantitative Easing helps to work around the blockage created by a banking system that is still undergoing a process of balance sheet repair (Bean 2009). Argument Even though implementing quantitative easing provides numerous advantages to the economy, its safety is far from certain. Despite providing benefits, this monetary policy can sometimes have side-effects, such as high inflation or deflation as mentioned above. Quantitative easing is not always coming alone with advantages. For instance, some people assert that cost of capital can be decreased through low long-term interest rate. Yet, it is also argued that the attempt of reduction of long-term interest rate will only be effective under certain circumstances (Bernanke and Reinhart 2004). In U.S experience, it is unlikely to have significant impact on risk premiums if it only alters relative assets, because assets are close substitutes (Reinhart and Sack 2000). Therefore, the cost of capital will be lower only if investors expectation of future values of the policy rate is consistent with the target prices of assets (Bernanke and Reinhart 2004). Furthermore, Eggertston and Woodfords (2003) model demonstrates that long-term interest rate will not be affected by the purchase of long-term securities if investors do not change anticipation about future interest rate levels. Furthermore, the Guardian (2009) also points out that one of possible scenarios is that investors dump gilts, which increases long-term interest rate and gives burdens to fixed-interest mortgage and company loan. Consequently, it is reasonable to refer that quantitative easing is not always effective on giving low cost of capital. In addition, it is pointed out that the utility of central banks monetary policy will maximise if the policies are coordinated with central governments financial department. This is due to the fact that it has to be ensured that changes in debt-management policy will not contradict to the attempts of central banks to affect the relative supplies of securities (Bernanke and Reinhart 2004). Besides, it is also believed that quantitative easing enables bank to lend more. However, according to an empirical research of Kobayashi et al. (2006), the overall bank lending was decreasing during the period of quantitative easing in Japan. Thus, the accuracy of the statement is uncertain. Evidences Usually, central banks tend to cut down interest rates in order to encourage households to spend more money. However, once interest rates levels cannot go lower, the injection of money directly in the economy is the only remaining alternative. The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) had to decide a monetary policy in accordance with the government inflation target which has been fixed at 2% in Great Britain. The supply of money has been then considered as a necessity to sustain the general economic growth while, however, avoiding an excess of it to avoid hyperinflation. After lowering again the interest rate to 0.5%, its lowest level since the creation of the Central Bank, the Bank of England started the quantitative easing program. This procedure, which was launched in March 2009, has been extended to reach in February 2010 an amount  £200 billion, to pull the UK out of the recession. With the permission of the Treasury, the Bank of England purchased  £200 billion of assets from which  £197.275 million was spent on UK bonds and the rest on corporate papers. Some on the MPC including the banks chief economist, Spencer Dale, and one of the external members, Andrew Sentance have signalled their belief that it is now time for the bank to adopt a wait-and-see approach to QE (Oxlade, 2010). The Bank of Englands efforts have worked in as much as they have very probably pushed down yields on gilts below where they would otherwise be. That has helped reduce the broad cost of borrowing. Yields on ten-year gilts dropped to 3% earlier in the year but have more recently climbed close to 4% and stabilised around this level (Figure 3 on page 14). The increase of the price of bonds reduces their yield, and in effect the interest rate. As interest rates across the economy are set in relation to gilt yields, quantitative easing can act as an extra lever pushing down borrowing costs. But there is a longer term danger by speculating about the debt markets. The government risks creating a bubble in bonds, which will break in a few years time once the economy will recover, building up interest rates and making the governments massive debt concern extremely costly to service (Oxlade, 2010). Source from Bank of England Figure 3: UK 10-year Government Bond Yield (%) However, the aim was also to get credit flowing again in the broad economy and then to launch spending in the British economy. From this point of view, the success of this policy tends to be limited. The money supply in the UK economy is considered as being the best measure of success. The Bank of England measures this as M4 (Figure 4 on page 15). This figure shows some improvements but only marginal and only in the last few months, concerning the 3 months annualised growth rate. However, the general trend of the M4 aggregate reminds downward trend. Source from Bank of England Figure 4: Growth rate of M4 from Bank of England The huge concern is that banks and insurers, rather than letting the conceeded money flow into the economy, prefer to credit it away to help improve their balance sheets and then financial solvency, particularly given that a second economic crash is still possible in this difficult context depicted by weak levels of the global economy financial aggregates. The largest danger is the creation of inflation. One of the QE program aims is to stop the UK falling into a deflationary trend. The injection of money in the economy creates inflation. To increase inflation to a certain level would be a good thing, a lot would be very dangerous, especially if the economy fails to recover and then fall in a stagflation period which could destroy a part of the countrys wealth. A bit of inflation would be helpful in reducing the cost of debts, particularly because Britain faces a record consumer debt of more than  £1.4 trillion and a national debt of officially  £825 billion (more than  £2.2 trillion once all liabilities are taken into account) (Seager, 2010 and Bank of England, 2010). Indeed, rising prices will make debts smaller. Legendary Warren Buffett has raised concerns that policy-makers may become addicted to creating inflation as a way of combating their debt problems (Lowery, 2010). Members of the MPC have signalled the halt of the quantitative easing program but could -and we consider have great chances- resume it when they consider that it is necessary. In this case, it still unclear whether the Bank will continue buying gilts or shift to buy corporate bonds, which may have a more immediate effect. However, such a decision could increase tensions between the bank and the treasury buying gilts makes it cheaper for the government to borrow money, which is crucial at a time when the volume of public debt is extremly high. If the economy continues to struggle to reach a confortable level of recovery, more QE could be expected and even become a permanent component in the U.K. It is important to consider that since QE effects are pretty much untested it is unclear what other side-effects may be caused. Conclusion By making comparison between the advantages and the disadvantages of QE, it can be concluded that QE is not suited to the situation in the UK at present. Although the economic situation after undertaking quantitative easing policy in the U.K. has been stabilised temporarily at least, as discussed earlier, the appropriate time length and money injection volume are uncertain. Moreover, according to the new statements issued in Britain, the bank is phasing out the policy. Hence, it is clear that it has been realized the quantitative easing, as an aggressive policy, can cause a high risk of inflation years to come. In conclusion, the negative impacts of conducting quantitative easing in the U.K. far outweigh its economic benefits. Although quantitative easing boosts the economy by reducing capital cost and improving monetary currency, it still needs deliberate control by relative departments such as the Central Bank and The Treasury. Otherwise, it may result in high inflation or deflation, even cause asset bubbles and depreciation of sterling. Quantitative easing has been considered as being the last resort solution to stimulate the economy and to kick-start growth after the systemic failure endured by the global economy. In the short term this measure certainly increases investors confidence but in the long term structural deficiencies of Britain, especially on the domestic credit market, it will fail to promote real financial stability. As a whole, quantitative easing policy is not proper to the U.K. and more attention should be paid concerning its implementation in this systematically defici ent context.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Walking Across Egypt :: Walking Across Egypt Essays
Walking Across Egypt Mattie Rigsbee is the main character in Clyde Edgerton's southern style novel, Walking Across Egypt. Mattie is a seventy-eight year old widow with two middle-aged children. Living alone in a small house, she makes sure that everything is taken care of. Although begins to display some signs of aging, and her family is trying to convince her to slow down her lifestyle, Mattie's character and mind setting prohibits her from becoming the stereotypical elder. She must make a decision in which direction to turn. Â Â "I'm too old to keep a dog," she says to the dogcatcher as he is leaving with a brown fice that showed up on her doorstep. "Besides, I'm slowing down," she says to her son during lunch. The stereotypes of the elderly are influencing Mattie's life. She is telling herself not to do things because of her age whether or not she is physically able to do them, simply because people associate age with inability and dependence upon others. Her family and friends are expecting and encouraging this dependence.Elaine and Robert, Mattie's two unmarried children, along with other family and friends, are encouraging her to be what they expect a seventy-eight year old woman to be. They talk about how she needs to get rest because she is slowing down and can't keep going as steady as she seems to think. When she decided to try and help a young juvenile, Wesley Benfield, become a better person by taking him to church and offering him to stay the night with her, Robert thought that Mattie was sick. Â Â Â Â Pearl Turnage, Mattie's older sister, has given in to the stereotypes that are now plaguing Mattie, and insists that she do the same. In fact, she invites Mattie to accompany her to the funeral home where they will each pick out a casket that they are to be buried in. Pearl pushes the subject, as if to force Mattie into realizing that she doesn't have much time left to live. Pearl also begins talking to Mattie about the past and the fun that they once had, as if to tell Mattie that those days are over and that it is time for her to begin a new chapter in her life. The future that Pearl has planned for herself,however, is totally contrary to the lifestyle that Mattie has chosen to pursue.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
A Business Plan on Unique Furniture in Bd
Yes, We are Unique Prepared by: Desperate PREPARED FOR Mr. Md. Bodiruzzaman Guest Lecturer Department of Business Administration Dhaka City College, Dhaka PREPARED BY Group Name: Desperate Batch : XI , Section : A Dhaka City College, Dhaka. DATE OF SUBMISSION November 29 2012 Group Information Group Name: Desperate List of Group Members: SerialNo. | Full Name| ID| 01| Abu-Bakar-Siddique| 13| 02| Md. Shohel Perves| 15| 03| Md. Nasim Miah| 35| 04| Md. Rakibul Alam| 57| Letter of Transmittal To Mr. Md. Bodiruzzaman Lecturer Department of Business Administration Dhaka City College, DhakaSubject: To submit the â€Å"A Comprehensive Business Plan on Paper made furniture†Sir, We respectfully state that you have assigned us to write the â€Å"A Comprehensive Business Plan on Paper made furniture†. To prepare this report we have given our best effort. However, as we are student and still in learning process there may have some lacking, limitations and errors in this report. We are very much grateful to you for giving us the opportunity to find out and gain knowledge on this aspect of â€Å"Paper made Furniture†in Bangladesh. Preparing this assignment is an experience for us which helps us in our practical life.We would like to thank you for providing us with such opportunity. Sincerely yours, (Md. Shohel Perves) On behalf of Group: â€Å"Desperate†Student declaration We are declaring that the report on the topic of â€Å"A Comprehensive Business Plan on Paper made furniture†has only been prepared for the partial fulfillment of the course requirement of Entrepreneural Development. Executive Summary Unique Furniture is the biggest private furniture produce centre in Bangladesh. Unique Furniture understands people’s need best and will create and deliver appropriate product services to improve people’s life and make it easier.The ingredients of the Unique Furniture are basically paper and barley. We are not only the produ cer of furniture but also the provider of better service to the furniture. Unique furniture is doing its best to fulfill the wishes of people. Unique furniture has 5 promoters who will promote this business. These owners are highly qualified and experienced. Unique furniture is completely a private company and promoters are solvent enough. But this solvency is not enough for our business. So our 60% capital is external and 40% capital is internal. Unique furniture follows strict rules always. We are liable to provide quality products.To make a marketing plan first of all unique furniture had to look on the current market situation, products, competitors etc. Moreover unique furniture has allocated enough money for advertising and public relation. Financial Plan is one of the main portions of our business. These are mainly technical terms of sales, means of financing, profitability projection etc. The initial cost of project is maximum as per the total cost of project concern which i s Tk. 403,55,00,000. In the term of estimates of sales, its accessories price is like present selling price. We have also some labor and rent costs.Unique furniture target of profit mark – up is 30%. Unique furniture will make profit Tk. 111,04,12,919 after 5 years. We hope after this time our company will be the best private furniture producing company in Bangladesh. In our country there are many kinds of furniture available in the market. But all are not good quality. On the other hand some are very good quality in the market, but there price is high. So we launched new unique furniture which is made by paper. This is high quality and also reasonable price. We are sure if unique furniture comes in the market people will willingly take it and they will be benefited.Acknowledgement First of all we would like to thank the Almighty for giving us strength and the aptitude to complete this report. This report is far from complete perfection, but it could not be accomplished witho ut the unity of our team members. We have collected a lot of information from internet and visited many companies. Anything humanly created in the world is not completely perfect and we are no exception. We apologize if there is any error in this report. Table of Content Chapters| Subjects| Page No. | Part 1| Prefatory Parts| 11-12| | 1. 1| Introduction| 11| | 1. 2| Objectives of the Report| 11| | 1. 3| Methodology| 11-12|Part 2| Business Description Segment| 12-15| | 2. 1| General Description of the venture| 12| | 2. 2| Vision| 12| | 2. 3| Mission| 12| | 2. 4| Objectives of the company| 13| | 2. 5| Board of Directors| 13| | 2. 5. 1| Status and Shareholding Percentage| 14| | 2. 6| Management Team| 14| | 2. 7| Organization Structure| 15| Part 3| Marketing Plan| 16-26| | 3. 1| Current Scenario in Bangladesh| 16| | 3. 2| Current market situation| 16| | 3. 3| Marketing department| 17| | 3. 4| Sales department| 17| | 3. 5| Financial department| 17| | 3. 6| HR department| 18| | 3. 7| SWOT Analysis| 18-20| | 3. 8| Competitor Analysis| 21| | 3. | STP Analysis| 21| | 3. 9. 1| Market Segmentation| 22| | 3. 9. 2| Target Market| 22| | 3. 9. 3| Market Positioning| 22| | 3. 10| Marketing Mix Analysis| 23| | 3. 10. 1| Product Identification| 23| | 3. 10. 2| Pricing| 23| | 3. 10. 3| Promotion| 23| | 3. 10. 4| place| 23| | 3. 11| Brand awareness| 24| | 3. 12| Selling and Advertising| 24| | 3. 13| Research analysis| 24-26| | 3. 14| Corporate social responsibility| 26| Part 4| Financial Analysis| 27-35| | 4. 1| Cost of Project| 27| | 4. 2| Financial Plan and Loan Requirement| 28| | 4. 3| Means of Financing| 29| | 4. 4| Working Capital Requirement and Its Financing| 30| | 4. | Cost of Project Calculation| 31| | 4. 6| Income Statement (One Year)| 32| | 4. 7| Projected Income Statement| 33-34| | 4. 8| Cash Flow Statement| 34| | 4. 9| Balance Sheet| 35| Part 5| Location Analysis| 36| | 5. 1| Location Description| 36| Part 6| Risk Analysis| 37| | 6. 1| Risks & Remedies| 37| | 6. 1. 1 | Risks| 37| | 6. 1. 2| Remedies| 37| Part 7| Conclusion| 38-40| | 7. 1| Conclusion| 38| | 7. 2| Recommendation| 39| | 7. 3| Bibliography| 39| | 7. 3. 1| Reference of Books| 39| | 7. 3. 2| Reference of Web-Sites| 39| | 7. 3. 3| Product samples| 40| Part 1| Prefatory Parts| 1. 1 IntroductionBefore starting our journey we want to give you some information of the current situation of furniture sector in Bangladesh. If we see the last year statistics which is provided by Statistic Bureau of Bangladesh that, we can say one company called Otobi. Unique Furniture understands people’s need best and will create and deliver appropriate product services to improve people’s life and make it easier. The ingredients of the Unique Furniture are basically paper and barley. 1. 2 Objectives of the Study * To make the use of paper made furniture popular. * To provide brief information about our company and services. To analyze the sections of the project as example: Marketing, Finance et c. * To start a pilot project from the village named â€Å"Dendabor†at Savar 1. 3 Methodology To organize this report we selected some primary and secondary data sources. To gather the prime information we had to prepare questionnaires and also had to visit the organizations to obtain information through oral interviews. This report has been prepared by preserving following steps: * At first we represented the theoretical and historical perspective of the report. * We collected a lot of information from the external reports and internet. Then we take help from our teachers and the students of previous batches. * We took authorization to visit a company and lastly we have visited it. * We got different kind of information through oral interviews. * As a final point we delivered our recommendation Part 2| Business Description Segment| 2. 1 General Description of the Venture (Product or Service) We are going for launch a production of equipments that can produce furniture from the paper. We will also open Home service those will provide services to our customers. Customers' satisfaction is our main objective. 2. 2 VisionWe are the new furniture solution provider in Bangladesh achieving our business vision through growth in market reach, increasing operation size, international distribution, total service and consistent branding activities by the being most customers focused ; Innovative, cost effective ; efficient, environmentally responsible ; quality concerned company in the business. 2. 3 Mission To be the most consumer-focused, competitive, efficient, innovative, and environmentally responsible and quality concerned leading market oriented furniture manufacturer, sales and distributor of Bangladesh by the year 2014. . 4 Objectives of the Company * Generate and provide reasonably priced furniture to our customers. * Efficient utilization of Capital, Machineries, Material and Human Resources. * Continuous improvement of customer satisfaction and resourc e management. * Produce low cost furniture. 2. 5 Board of Directors Md. Rejaul Karim Vice-Chairman Md. Foysal Director Md. Abdul Aziz Chairman Md. Asikollah Supervisor Md. Yeasin Director Shahjada Yeasir Arafat Shuvo Supervisor Farzana Amin Director Md. Rafiqul Islam Supervisor 2. 5. 1 Status and Shareholding Percentage Name| Status| Shareholding Percentage|Md. Abdul Aziz| Chairman| 25%| Md. Rejaul Karim| Vice-Chairman| 15%| Md. Foysal | Director| 15%| Md. Yeasin| Director| 15%| Farzana Amin| Director| 15%| Shahjada Yeasir Arafat | Supervisor| 05%| Md. Asikollah| Supervisor| 05%| Md. Rafiqul Islam| Supervisor| 05%| | Total| 100%| 2. 6 Management Team Md. Abdul Aziz Chairman Md. Rejaul Karim Vice-Chairman Farzana Amin Director (HRM) Md. Yeasin Director (Marketing) Md. Foysal Director (Finance) 2. 7 Organization Structure Office Staffs (40 People) Share Holders Board of Directors Managing Director General Manager Secretary Sales ManagerProduction Manager Purchase Manager Production as sociating Staffs (5 people) Sales associating Staffs (5 people) Purchase associating Staffs (5 people) Sales Executives (3 people) Purchase Executives (3 people) Salesman (36 people) Salesman (36 people) Super visors (5 people) Salesman (1000 people) Part 3| Marketing Plan| 3. 1. Current Scenario in Bangladesh Bangladesh is a developing country. Most of the people wanted to decorate their house with furniture. But they can’t properly decorate their house because of high priced furniture’s which are already existed in Bangladesh.So we have a plan to produce furniture from papers which will be lower priced than the other furniture’s. Now people are thinking Unique furniture, people are thinking about how to save money. Now has become a primary need of our customer. So we want to create something new for our business plan and that can also help our society. Some companies like Otobi, Hatil, Pertax are providing the facilities of producing furniture from the wood. B ut the advantage cannot reach to the people of rural areas. Based on this positive information we are planning to make a project of producing furniture from papers.We hope it will get a good market inside our country. Unique furniture will produce huge quantity of furniture that will meet the need of our country. 3. 2 Current market situation Present situation of furniture is high priced. Increasing price of furniture has become common word now. We have a plan to provide furniture all over the country but middle and upper middle class are our target customers. Some companies are providing facility, but it is less than the demand. Present situation is perfect for this business. Paper made furniture is quite new idea, but we will introduce this to the rural and urban people.We think people will appreciate it and their hope is our inspiration. 3. 3 Marketing Department: Marketing department reports to Sales and works closely with the business line heads, the product development team an d Customer Service team globally. The role involves a high level of market sizing and data analysis projects with the objectives of identifying opportunities and risks and forming strategic recommendations to senior management and ideas to satisfy the economic. Here are also some objectives of our marketing department- * Focus on capacity optimization and assigning capacity to potential customer to ensure the highest revenue. Credit monitor, notify customer and ensure superior services delivery to our customer. * To develop mutual business benefits. * Co-ordinate with other departments (i. e. Technical, Billing and Finance) to maintain smooth operation. 3. 4 Sales department: Our sales department has some different objectives. The objectives of our sales department are given below: * To achieve sales target. * To ensure overall success and customer satisfaction. * Develop new market segments and expand the existing market. 3. 5 Financial Department:Finance department function in our Unique Furniture are being the budgeting and forecasting investment decision making ; raising and allocation fund. * To handle companies TAX ; VAT issues. * Finalize of the statement of income ; expenditure. 3. 6 HR Department: The objectives of HR department are * Conduct recruitment ; selection process by using external /internal sourcing channels and deliver resources on time as per plan though following all stages. * Handle contract renewal management. * Keep ; update all personal files of expatriates ; local employees. 3. 7 SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis Strengths OpportunitiesWeaknesses Threats The following is a SWOT analysis as it applies to the Unique Furniture: Strengths: 1. Sell reasonable and quality products 2. Long durability of the Furniture’s 3. Fulfill with modern furniture’s. Weaknesses: 1. Lack age of advertisement 2. Lacking of relation with customers 3. New idea Opportunities: 1. Use of all types of papers. 2. Creating more job opportunity 3. Rapid i ndustrialization and urbanization 4. Increasing living standards of rural areas. 5. Be a number one brand in furniture sector 6. Providing quality furniture all over the country. Threats: 1. Will be highly competitive market 2. Change of environment 3.Achieving people faith. MarketingParticulars | Performance| Importance| | MajorStrength| MinorStrength| Neutral| MinorStrength| MajorStrength| High| Mid| Low| 1. Companyreputation| Yes| | | | | v| | | 2. Marketshare| | Yes| | | | v| | | 3. Customersatisfaction| Yes| | | | | v| | | 4. Productquality| Yes| | | | | v| | | 5. Servicequality| Yes| | | | | v| | | 6. Pricingeffectiveness| Yes| | | | | v| | | 7. Promotioneffectiveness| Yes| | | | | v| | | 8. Distributioneffectiveness| | Yes| | | | v| | | 9. Sales forceeffectiveness| Yes| | | | | v| | | 10. Innovationeffectiveness| Yes| | | | | v| | | 11. Geographicalcoverage| | Yes| | | | v| | | 2. Customerretention| Yes| | | | | v| | | SWOT analysis table:This SWOT analysis is apply for Uniqu e furniture: We have an opportunity to create good position and reputation in market. It is only possible when we can solve our all problems and give more attention on our job. 3. 8 Competitor Analysis Furniture business in Bangladesh is highly competitive. As a new furniture company we have also some competitor. They are 1. Otobi furniture 2. Partex furniture 3. Talukdar farniture 4. Hatil furniture and so on. First competitor for unique furniture is Otobi furniture. Which is leading furniture company in Bangladesh.To become a leading company in Bangladesh we have to compete with these existed furniture company. 3. 9 STP Analysis Marketing strategies: The entire marketing process: 3. 9. 1 Market Segmentation Three types of people live in our society upper class, middle class, and poor. So we also segment our product, price, and market into three groups. We think this marketing method will ideally work. Because different person have different status and parching power. Segmentation is the key to reach them. We segment our product for all kinds' people in our society. Here is our target market level: 1. Lower class 2.Lower middle class 3. Middle class 4. Upper class 3. 9. 2 Target Market Most of the people in our society are middle and upper middle class. So our first target is to catch the market of middle and upper middle class people. We will also provide our facilities to the rich people. After fulfilling their demand we will provide our business to the mills and factories. 3. 9. 3 Market Positioning Reputation of an institution depends on its quality. We give our first priority to the quality of product. Maintaining quality of product is the only way to achieve the faith of customers and their faith makes our position in the market. . 10 Marketing Mix Analysis 3. 10. 1 Product Identification Most of the equipment that can produce furniture from the papers will be made by us like sofa, chair, table, dining table, reading table, Corner set, book self etc. To produce furniture from papers we need some more products like paper, barley, color, frame, etc and we purchase this from other companies. 3. 10. 2 Pricing At first our target is to reach furniture to the middle and upper middle class customers, so our price should be low. After reaching to the target we fix our price based on market demand. 3. 10. 3 PromotionWe have a plan to make furniture which will make by papers. But now we are focus on our present activities to promote the productivity of furniture from papers. After promoting this we will focus on other matters. 3. 10. 4 Place â€Å"Place†means not just the locations of producer facilities, but the locations of all points of sale at which customers may have access to the product or service. That’s why we are going to set up our organization at Savar. We will serve our services to the rural areas of our country. 3. 11 Brand awareness Most people believe in brand. Because brand gives them warranty and make them c onfident.We have some competitor in the market and they are brand companies like Otobi, pertex, talukdar, Hatil etc. But many people don't know about their new service of renewable energy. So if we provide more equipment in a short time and advertise more than our business will get a brand name. 3. 12 Selling and Advertising At first we will sell our products base on our customers demand. We don't recruit any dealer for our product. We will sell our product from our sales centre. First time advertising cost will be more and we have to make peoples interest on our product.We will use TV, Radio, newspapers and Leaflet for our advertising, because these are the most modern and common means of advertising. 3. 12 Slogan and Logo Our Slogan is â€Å"Yes, we are Unique†Our Logo is 3. 13 Research analysis Population: The population of this research project has defined as follow: 1. Elements: All types of people who living within the Dhaka City. 2. Sampling units: All types of people ( Customer and Retailer) 3. Sampling Frame: The distributors and retailers which are located in Uttara, Gazipur, Nilkhet those who are selling different types of furniture. They are the sampling frame of research project. Primary data collected from – 1. Retailers 2. Customer of other furniture Company. 3. Different types of people * Sample size: As the population of this research project is 100 (50 Customers and 50 Retailers). * Sampling procedure: Among probabilistic sampling methods, simple random sampling procedure has been used in order to select sampling units from population. * Survey Process: Through face-to-face interview the survey process will be done. * Data processing and Analysis: Based on variables, researcher will analyze all the data basically throughout the subsequent style – 1.Descriptive statistics to identify user’s categories. Instrumentation: Through questionnaires and face to face interview. Activity To prepare this report we survey mark et many days. We have some question to the customer and retailers when we survey. The customer and retailer’s personal interview and question will be show in this chart: 3. 14 Corporate Social Responsibility We live in a society. We do business for the development of our society. So every business has some social responsibility. Our business has also social responsibility. By using our furniture people can save money but they will get well services from us.We will also spend 5% profit of our business for social development. With this money we will start Tree Plantation Program all over the country and try to fulfill the required 25% forest of our country. It is not possible right now, but we will try our best to complete this work within next20 years. We will also give merit scholarship to the poor meritorious students that they can continue their study. Every year we will take new program to develop our society and that is our corporate social responsibility in marketing. Pa rt 4| Financial Analysis| 4. 1 Cost of Project Making a place is very important for any kinds of business work.We have selected our industrial area at Saver. We have bought a land by loan. Our business construction has been already finished. The total cost of the project will be estimated at TK 30, 00, 00,000. The details costs of the project are as follow as- Particulars| Taka| Land and site development| 8,00,00,000| Building| 2,00,00,000| Machinery| 16,00,00,000| Technical expenses| 10,00,000| Pre-operative expenses| 20,00,000| Working capital| 370,00,000| Total| 30,00,00,000| | | | | 4. 2 Financial Plan and Loan Requirement Particulars| Owner’s Equity| Bank Loan| Total| Land and site development| 8,00,00,000| | 8,00,00,000|Building| | 2,00,00,000| 2,00,00,000| Machinery | | 16,00,00,000| 16,00,00,000| Technical Expenses| 10,00,000| | 10,00,000| Pre-Operative Expenses| 20,00,000| | 20,00,000| Working Capital| 3,70,00,000| | 3,70,00,000| Total| 12,00,00,000| 18,00,00,000| 30 ,00,00,000| Percentage| 40%| 60%| 100%| 4. 3 Means of Financing Company/Our institution will take 40% as owner's equity and other 60% will be taken as bank loan. The loan amount is 18, 00, 00,000 and 12, 00, 00,000 is the equity capital of Unique Furniture Ltd. 4. 4 Working Capital Requirement and Its Financing Particulars| Amount (TK)| Number|Raw materialsStocks of goods in processStocks of finished goodsOperating expensesTotal| 20,50,0006,00,0004,00,00033,333| | | 30,83,333| | | | | | | | 4. 5 Cost of Project Calculation Capital requirement| Amount| Amount| Fixed Asset:LandBuildingMachineryTotal Fixed AssetPre-operative expensesTechnical expensesWorking Capital:Raw materialsWork-in-processFactory overheadTotal Working CapitalTotal working requirement| 8,00,00,0002,00,00,00016,00,00,000| 26,00,00,00020,00,00010,00,0003,70,00,00030,00,00,000 | | 2,00,00,0001,00,00,00070,00,000| | | | | 4. 6 Income Statement (One Year) Particulars| Amount (TK)| Amount (TK)|Sales (30% Mark Up) Less: C ost of production: Raw materials Work-in- process Factory overhead Gross ProfitLess: Administrative expenses Selling expensesTotal administrative ; selling expenses Net Operating ProfitLess: Financial expenses Depreciation Earning before TaxLess: InterestLess: Tax (25%) Profit after Tax | 394,55,00,0002,45,00,0003,00,00,000| 512,91,50,000400,00,00,000| | 60,50,00,00020,00,50,0008,11,00,0001,30,00,000| 112,91,50,00080,50,50,000| | | 32,41,00,0009,41,00,000| | 23,41,00,0002,70,00,000| | | 20,71,00,0005,17,75,000| | | 15,53,25,000| | | | | | | 4. 7 Projected Income StatementParticulars| Year-2013| Year-2014| Year-2015| Year-2016| Year-2017| Sales (30% Mark Up))Less: Cost of productionGross ProfitLess: Administrative expenses Selling expenses Net Operating ProfitLess: Financial expenses DepreciationEarning Before TaxLess: InterestLess: Tax (25%)Profit After Tax| 512,91,50,000400,00,00,000| 615,49,60,000480,00,00,000| 738,59,76,000576,00,00,000| 886,31,71,20069120,00,000| 1063,58,05,4408 29,44,00,000| | 112,91,50,00060,50,00,00020,00,50,000| 135,49,80,00060,50,00,00020,00,50,000| 162,59,76,00060,50,00,00020,00,50,000| 195,11,71,20060,50,00,00020,00,50,000| 234,14,05,44060,50,00,00020,00,50,000| | 32,41,00,0008,11,00,0001,30,00,000| 54,99,30,0006,73,13,0001,30,00,000| 82,09,26,0005,58,69,7901,30,00,000| 114,61,21,2004,63,71,9261,30,00,000| 153,63,55,4403,84,88,6991,30,00,000| | 23,00,00,0002,70,00,000| 6,96,17,0002,29,95,107| 69,61,86,4201,83,89,481| 108,67,49,2741,30,93,010| 148,48,66,74170,02,069| | 20,71,00,0005,17,75,000| 44,66,21,89311,16,55,473| 67,77,96,93916,94,49,235| 107,36,56,26426,84,14,066| 147,78,64,67236,94,66,168| | 15,53,25,000| 33,49,66,420| 50,83,47,704| 80,52,42,198| 110,83,98,504| | | | | | | | | | | | | 4. 8 Cash Flow Statement Particulars| Year-2013| Year-2014| Year-2015| Year-2016| Year-2017| Profit After Tax| 15,53,25,000| 33,49,66,420| 50,83,47,704| 80,52,42,198| 110,83,98,504| Add: Depreciation| 1,30,00,000| 1,30,00,000| 1,30,00,000| 1,30,0 0,000| 1,30,00,000| Total Profit| 16,83,25,000| 34,79,66,420| 52,13,47,704| 81,82,42,198| 112,13,98,504| | | | | | | | | | | | | 4. 9 Balance Sheet Description| Amount (Tk)| Amount (Tk)| Current assets:CashAccount receivablesInventoriesFixed assets:LandLess: DepreciationBuildingLess: DepreciationMachinery Less: DepreciationTechnical ExpensesPower GridLess: DepreciationPre operating costTotal AssetsLiabilities:Accounts payableTaxLong term liabilities:Long term bank loanLess; 1st InstallmentOwner's equityTotal Liabilities| 12,00,00,0002,10,00,0005,00,00,000| 15,10,00,0005,60,00,0001,90,00,0009,50,00,00010,00,0005,70,00,0002,00,0,00040,00,00,000 12,66,99,28415,33,00,71612,00,00,00040,00,00,000 | | 8,00,00,0002,40,00,000| | | 4,00,00,0002,10,00,000| | | 10,00,00,00050,00,000| | | 6,00,00,00030,00,000| | | 7,49,24,2845,17,75,000| | | 18,00,00,0002,66,99,284| | | | | Part 5| Location Analysis| 5. 1 Location Description Location Address: 112B, Nabinagar, Dendabor Bazar, Savar-Dhaka. Area: 35100 sft. Price of the Land: Tk. 8,00,00,000Owner of the Land: Unique Furniture Ltd. Co. Part 6| Risk Analysis| 6. 1 Risks & Remedies 6. 1. 1 Risks * It’s a new business, people hardly recognized about it. * Lacking of relation with customers 6. 1. 2 Remedies * We have to make people concern about our service. * Home service employees should do their duties responsibly. Part 7| Conclusion| 7. 1 Conclusion In our country there are many kinds of furniture available in the market. But all are not good quality. On the other hand some are very good quality in the market, but there price is high. So we launched new unique furniture which is made by paper. This is high quality and also reasonable price.We are sure if unique furniture comes in the market people will willingly take it and they will be benefited. 7. 2 Recommendation * It is naturally difficult to launch a new product, as new company unique furniture has some limitation. * We will try our best to find out our problem a nd we solve our problem very soon * Customers are always welcome to give their comments * We are always ready to solve customer problems 7. 3 Bibliography 7. 3. 1 Reference of Books * Entrepreneural Development By A A Khanka * Business Ethics & Applications for Higher Secondary 1st & 2nd Paper By Md. Khalekuzzaman 7. 3. 2 Reference of Web-Sites: * www. google . com * www. ask. com * www. wikipedida. com 7. 3. 3 Product Samples:
Friday, November 8, 2019
The World Of Warcraft As A Cultural Product Marketing Essay Essay Example
The World Of Warcraft As A Cultural Product Marketing Essay Essay Example The World Of Warcraft As A Cultural Product Marketing Essay Essay The World Of Warcraft As A Cultural Product Marketing Essay Essay Abstraction The outgrowths of new engineerings have brought alteration on cultural merchandises, creative persons are more competent and globalisation has widened up market operations for Warcraft games. Digitization adopted by assorted makers has increase communicating all over the universe and has allowed interaction among communities globally. Customer demand for faster and quality services is critical at a point where the market has got many participants viing. Research and development is critical to understand emerging client demand and market tendencies. This thesis paper analyses the profusion deepness and diverseness of cultural merchandises, 0.1 Introduction The universe is envisaged by promotion of engineerings which affects the society positively, the advent creativeness of societal networking has brought about divergent cultural linkages and inter-boundary communities through Warcraft games. The societal cultural effects and the originative Industry is traveling at a higher gait, nevertheless client demand are critical as good in which un scrupulous bargainers are taking advantage of an cognizant consumers, companies that create Warcraft games merchandises e.g. Blizzard are confronting, Warcraft is a franchise of video games and other media originally created by Blizzard amusement company, engineering has brought commanding practical enemies into the cultural originative industry with which value can be created to the benefit of a consumer upon public-service corporation, this are likely to be affected by market conditions, monetary values and the medium used for broadcast 0.2 Cultural industry A cultural industry refers to assorted concern entities that produce, distribute, market and sell merchandises as flatly in originative humanistic disciplines. The cultural industry involves the originative humanistic disciplines of production of games, films telecasting plans or music ; by and large it combines all right originative humanistic disciplines. Anything made by human existences is an single piece of work and look of purposes fro good being of a society, it is based on the creativeness of members of the society who exploit probationary political orientations for development of information, cultural industries a referred as originative economic system harmonizing to ( Howkwins 2001 ) Harmonizing to ( Howkins 2001 ) cultural industry or originative economic system s made up of advertisement, trades, manner research and development, music, movie, executing humanistic disciplines, package and publication merely to advert a few ( Howkins 2001 ) . Harmonizing to Florida 2002 the originative humanistic disciplines industry of the 20 first century is likely depend on creativeness and invention with which has come on age based on promotion of engineering, the basic dogmas of the cultural industry in future will be depended on quality design to bring forth value for persons and societies, the industry has become a pillar in economic development with which human creativeness is the ultimate economic resource. This is through fostering originative endowment to a knowing labour intensive society, making employment and wealth. The kernel in invention and creativeness will heighten creativeness accomplishments furthering advanced communities with cultural diverseness which improve economic public presentation. Digitization by major cultural industries globally unusually with regulative mechanism will promote intensive investing flow among states which consequences progressive concentration and market laterality likely by pudding stones . Harmonizing ( Fuller and Jenkins 1995 ) picture games tempt the participant to play longer, seting more and more quarters into the arcade machine ( or supplying play value for those who ve bought the game ) by unveiling of all time more dramatic microworlds, the disclosure of a new degree the wages for holding survived and mastered the old environment. 0.3 How tantrums as a cultural merchandise and how it digital games industry is a cultural industry 0.3.1 Features of a cultural merchandise 0.3.2 Experienced goods Customer acceptableness of merchandises and services is based on demand and quality, nevertheless this are affected by single gustatory sensation, cultural demands and penchants, many artiest holding the passion to rank top in cultural productions have vastly connected to consumers through engineering, nevertheless the cultural industry is non a practical place. The supply concatenation from the cultural merchandise of the maker and related services, quality production and selling activities to distribution hold added value on to the terminal consumer on cultural merchandises. Warcraft games in this instance and relevant to promotion of engineering can be easy accessed by consumer virtually. 0.3.3 Elastic demand Economic growing in assorted parts of the universe via international webs and globalisation has played a major function in demand, creativeness in the micro economic degree, end product, employment meet consumer demands for the Warcraft games merchandise, the virtue of engineering has added value in client demand on cultural goods ingestion making a high grade of volatility and capriciousness, research on consumer tendency hence becomes critical to understand emerging demands. That most of the cultural goods, its fixed costs are higher, while the variable costs are comparatively low 0.3.4 Vertically differentiated Differentiation is based on branding to make a merchandise with a competitory border that is typical from that of the rivals, this can be based on pricing and alteration of design in Warcraft games and create sense of value, pricing kineticss in a market in which two or Sellerss compete to information of goods or services to a population of purchasers across boundaries with an purpose to maximize net incomes, with globalisation it can be easier when organisations create amalgamations and corporations for merchandise circulation around the universe. Maximizing net incomes and stakeholder value can be achieved by Blizzard through its Warcraft games by making a strong trade name so as when the quality spreads between narrows due to roll uping and symmetric assorted bundling, monetary values and net incomes lessening but societal public assistance and consumer excess addition. This besides affects quality when distinction is a symmetric across Blizzard merchandises as may perplex pricing and net incomes which can be strategically emerge due to independence that assorted bundling creates. 0.3.5 Infinite assortment Human creativeness and competiveness for market portion is based on productiveness on Warcraft games all right humanistic disciplines, research and development plays a major function in underline procedure on new merchandise development and assortment e.g. based on use and characteristics, an administration can make merchandises based on assortments upon carry oning a market research and good understand the mark market, nevertheless engineering derives demands high every twenty-four hours. The production can be enticed on assorted cultural involvements to custom while gross revenues and purchase can be derived from the field of humanistic disciplines and civilization in the value concatenation. In this instance relationship direction is critical for success. It besides calls for investing on advertizements to make consciousness and remind consumers of new and existing merchandises, the medium for advertizement and pick of publication will besides depend on targeted audience in relati on to cost. With a assortment of merchandise available to consumers supported by strong trade name will make a competitory border. However to understand client BASIC besides require trained staff e.g. in engineering and client relationship direction which plays a major function and affects the positions of client of the Gods and services. 0.4 Pure Public Good The last offering of Warcraft games merchandises variant to the terminal user should be of quality. Availability of the merchandise might intend that ingestion of a merchandise by an person does non cut down handiness of the merchandises for ingestion by others and no consumer should be excluded from utilizing the merchandise globally, most merchandises might non sell good in the state of beginning but does so internationally. 0.5 Cost of Production The cost of production is the investing in resources that goes into a merchandise, eg capital, revenue enhancement and labor, when puting monetary values it is border added that should retrieve these investing, most sellers add mark-up monetary value or full cost pricing 0.6 Exclusive Devicess Denies private waiters by utilizing holding media governments to close them devouring them down. This is a critical function of the administration in value concatenation to guarantee the Wargame consumers are protected ; it is besides a necessity to supervise Wargame participants to acquire to cognize the tendencies on operations and even eschewing down unrealistic traders. 0.7 Copyrights and rational belongingss The universe has been witnessing much of counterfeited merchandises by scrupulous traders taking advantage of incognizant consumers, with this it is critical for Warcraft games to hold a strong trade name and protected holding under right of first publications and rational act under amusement Torahs, holding sophisticated package s and hardware s is besides necessary unscrupulous trading and violation and guarantee there is no misdemeanor of act. ( Digital Millennium Copyright Act ) Harmonizing to Throsby in 2003, he argues that due to cultural goods are contained advanced merchandises which is a manifestation of rational belongings, and be able to convey some kind of symbolic significance. He argues that the Godhead of cultural industries can follow a more laissez faire manner of direction, this is likely to assist avoid gait of work by Godheads and the environment rigidness and hardening. 0.8 Features of the Digital Games Industry 0.8.1Process of Production The package development procedure by which picture games are produced is called Game development. Well made games are a signifier of creative activity and they generate net income to the company and the person who comes up with the thought and they are normally founded by a publishing house. It is really of import to gauge the fiscal demands of the game so that one does non transcend the allocated budget. Inventions are of extreme importance to the publishing house as net incomes can non be got from imitations of other people s work. Due to the trouble in get downing a new company because of the high initial capital required, insouciant and nomadic game market has come up leting developers with smaller squads to come in the market, and when they become financially stable they develop larger games. The thought or construct is the root to Game development, production, and design which is normally a alteration of an existing game. Interior designers try out different combinations of gen res to come up with the best game. The game proposal papers contains the construct, game drama, feature list, puting and the narrative, mark audience, staff and budget estimations. Game design and development depends on a specific company because different companies have different formal processs and doctrines. 0.8.2 Risk Management There is hazard involved in games development undertakings, The traditional manner of covering with hazard is to disregard it and do up for it with overtime, or to embroider your undertaking continuances and milepost day of the months if possible, publishing houses, nevertheless, the lone manner that one can avoid hazard is when the game undertaking is a no-brainer and you have a seasoned squad with ample resorts, experience and engineering to carry through the undertaking. This is because they want to see that hazard was assessed in the pre-production stage to guarantee that safeguards were taken before the start of the undertaking or everything is under control in site of the many hazards. Mangers can besides asses hazard. Hazards that one identifies do non needfully stop up in the agenda but may act upon the manner things are done, who does the work or the solutions chosen for execution. The publishing house developer relationships should be honest. Hazards are normally found in a start up company or an established company. The appraisal of hazard normally entails bring forthing a list of possible jobs and likely impacts they may hold on the agenda. Hazards can be proficient and can besides be found in art and design. There are processs necessary when seting together a hazard appraisal. All hazards will non stop up being reflected on the agenda. Hazards and undertakings should non be confused. Risk direction is a good manner to place some research that ought to be done during pre-production. Particular characteristics or undertakings that are experimental in nature are associated with hazards. 0.8.3 Reducing Hazard A good appraisal describes back-up programs and explores other possible solutions that would cut down or extinguish the hazard. Some hazards can merely be mitigated by accounting for them in a maestro agenda while others can be reduced by other ways such as ; Extinguishing the design or altering the design. Strive to maintain it simple. Put your best people at work Pre-purchase your equipment. Check out other programs that might be a less gamble. Always have a backup program 0.9 Double merchandise market ( media good and entree to audience ) Picard ( 1989 ) explains that media industries are alone in that they function on double merchandise. That means although media companies produce one merchandise they participate in two separate good and service markets, this varies harmonizing, mark markets which varies on political, legal, economic, technological and environmental factors ( PESTEL ) 10 PRICE TO EARNING RATION 10.1 Price to Earnings Ratio = Price / Earnings Per Share ( EPS ) Share monetary value determines market strength of a company in a comparative economic system ; it is the step of monetary value relation to the one-year net income earned by the house by portion. PE ratio shows the current investor demands for a company portion, when the PE ratio is high it indicates increasing demand as investors anticipate net incomes growing in future, it besides show how much an investor is ready to pay on a one dollar of net incomes. PE ratio has figure of old ages that can be interpreted as clip taken to pay back purchase monetary value and can be calculated on appraisal of following twelvemonth s net incomes per portion. 11. THE WAY THE ORGANISATION WORKS 11.1 Final merchandise ever reflects a wow manner This is normally done to guarantee that the World of art is alone and typical. To accomplish this, the creative persons and manufacturers must travel through the art manager to help them concentrate on a wider scoop or wider shoulders and spikes to maintain the art manner WoWish. 11.2The administration has constrains and ends Cultural merchandises need a batch of money to bring forth, hence the administration has no clip to easy bring forth one merchandise by one because of the demand to maximize net incomes. The more the company produces the easier for them to interrupt even. A good illustration is in the production of Starcraft 2 and wow where the catastrophe went on at the same time. the term catastrophe is the 3rd enlargement for World of Warcraft. 11.2 Employees Blizzard which creates Warcraft games is more predictable and this leads to a larger nucleus squad than contract workers one of the grounds why this is because they want to maintain the rational belongingss within the company and because they hire on undertaking to project footing. Most of the employees are extremely educated and passionate since they are creative persons and coders so they do it with passion. To avoid many hazards and costs, workers have to maintain themselves updated with the new package s and engineering in the market. Decision The creative person creativeness as the cardinal merchandise remains at the Centre of cultural merchandises, nevertheless related services such as digitisation through outgrowth of new engineerings and invention is determining consumer behavior, in expectancy of these engineerings there is a displacement of computing machine games lovers concentrating attending on to originative potencies of the emerging medium, globalisation has opened up markets increasing competitory. An chance for creative persons to draw a bead on towards consistent growing and develop more in-depth cognition has eloped in industry games. The aspect revolves around the creativeness, invention and consumer experience. Merchandise fond regards are built-in for the development of cultural merchandise composed of beliefs and behaviors chiefly based on incorporate forms on human cognition can be centre phase and symbolic points for societal acquisition.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Bernstein and Beethoven
Bernstein and Beethoven Free Online Research Papers A product of his times.that seems like such a clichà © way of telling a story – but, yes! A product of The Age of Enlightenment, Beethoven was all about some revolution. Through his free and fierce nature, he wrenched music out of the 18th century and into the next Stravinsky would do the same thing a century later. What Beethoven did makes him if not the last of the Classicists then arguably the first of the Romantics. His adventures in disregarding 18th-century structure, requirements and protocol marked his music and his daily life, and in both areas he achieved a virtually complete freedom of expression. He was like Elvis Presley of the symphonyonly he never wiggled his crotch on Ed Sullivan. The idea of the authority of a composer and that his word was considered definitive were some of the common thoughts during that age. The creative mind was respected, with the composer an object of reverence. This was the Romantic view. Mozart and Haydn were definitely influences on Beethovens work. Beethovens â€Å"Quintet for piano and winds†is said to bear a resemblance to Mozart and his version, only he Beethovened it up. He also explored new directions and gradually expanded the scope of his work. Some important pieces from the man are the First and Second symphonies, the first two piano concertos, and the famous Pathetique sonata. Sources show Beethovens disdain for authority, and for social rank (whats cool about this is how Bernstein captures that exact topic in West Side Story – at least I thought that was pretty cool). He stopped performing at the piano and called a bitch out if the audience chatted amongst themselves, or afforded him less than their full attention. At parties, he refused to perform if suddenly called upon to do so. Eventually, after many confrontations, the Archduke Rudolph decreed that the usual rules of court etiquette did not apply to Beethoven. He was a rebel just like The Jets. Many later composers of the Romantic period and beyond were influenced specifically by Beethovens Ninth Symphony. The famous choral finale is Beethovens musical representation of Universal Brotherhood. Wagner completed a piano arrangement of Beethovens 9th symphony, an important theme in the finale of Johannes Brahms Symphony #1 is related to the Ode to Joy or â€Å"Ode to Freedom†or any eventual â€Å"Ode tofill in the blank†theme. Bernstein had a pretty exuberant conducting style. He actually had a pretty â€Å"fuck you all who dont like it†kinda style. I like this man very much. He strayed far from classic conducting techniques, using his whole body to get the best out of his orchestra, and had evident fun doing so. Exploring his output, one finds the famous and obscure works that both are reflective of their times and somehow preserve and encapsulate them. Bernstein also used the podium as a way to popularize the music he loved. In 1958, he began a series of televised Young Peoples Concerts that brought symphonic music into the homes of Americans. He was like â€Å"Check this shit out, kids!†But now lets move on to some West Side Story! In West Side Story the sung text is crucial to the telling of the story. When the music is conveying certain emotions there can only be language left to really hit it home to the listener. The lyrical beauty in love ballads, the language of the characters in songs by street gangs and ethnic characters and the poetry of the lyrics truly help to take the music a step further. Bernstein was very effective in bringing modern society and the 20th century to stories and musical themes that were familiar or previously explored. He added his own flair to classical pieces as well as giving a modern twist to age old tales for the current times. As far as the â€Å"hope dies last†and â€Å"despair does not rule†ideology – I think the ideas presented in West Side Story and Beethovens 9th are similar in the fact that they deal with brotherhood of man. The end of West Side Story touches on the idea that the two different cultures are going to work as brothers from now on and not enemies, Beethovens entire purpose of his symphony is to promote that idea of a coming together peacefully. When Beethoven premiered his symphony in Vienna he received five ovations. At that time, it was customary that the Imperial couple be greeted with three ovations when they entered the hall. The fact that five ovations were received by a private person who was not even employed by the state, and moreover, was a musician, was in itself considered almost indecent. Police agents present at the concert had to break off this spontaneous explosion of ovations. This certainly tells of the class that musicians were put into at the time and how private people were looked at. It makes the ideas Beethoven was presenting all the more controversial and liberal. If I were Beethovenand could hearI would have been like â€Å"Please, please! Lets have at least one more round of applause for the Imperial couplethen we can return to me!!!†I would have been blackballed. Bernstein tackled quite the liberal idea of brotherhood in his musical. He addressed issues including rebellion from authority, troubled youth, poverty and racism. Juvenile delinquency is seen as an ailment of society: No one wants a fella with a social disease! It certainly was teeming with American ideas toward immigrants. At the time nothing like this show had ever been produced with its raucous dance numbers and brutal subject matter. I would imagine that if, in the end, you feel the urge for Tony and Maria to be together – the idea that love can transcend all racial boundaries may even affect people that let themselves sit through shows about gay relationships as well. I think shows like West Side Story pave the way for further exploration of topics concerning tolerance and acceptance. If he were alive today I am sure that Lenny would bust it out with some amazing gay story like that since he was definitely no stranger to some boys in his life. Gotta love him! The idea of these pieces being program music made me sit on the fence for a moment. But, although there may not be text for the audience to read in West Side Story to some of the instrumental moments, I do think that those moments tell a story. When The Jets are dancing to the familiar theme of their song – the music definitely represents what is going on and the feeling that is being conveyed without the lyrics. Beethovens 9th was primarily instrumental until the final movement, so I would say that his piece could count if there were program notes given to the audience to explain the earlier movements. It is like the way Vivaldis Four Seasons captures the idea of each of the times of year or the way Berliozs Symphonie Fantastique captures the idea of killing the one you love and burning in hell for it, the music in Beethovens symphony and West Side Story – respectively capture a feeling or an idea. They certainly perform the same function that film scores do now â⠂¬â€œ they pull emotions out of you while you are listening to the story and make you feel it on a much deeper level than words alone could ever do. The bottom line for me is that they both definitely tell a story and are conveying a message to the audience. I think that lends them the right to be called program music. Both men certainly use their music to convey a variety of emotions and help to really move their message and ideas forward. Beethoven utilized cyclical structure in his symphony to link the movements thematically. Bernstein did the same with his characters and events – you would hear lilting music with the themes of â€Å"Somewhere†or â€Å"Maria†when the two lovers were thinking of each other, within close parameters of one another or holding each other. The Jets and the fighting scenes were underscored by the themes that were featured in â€Å"The Jet Song†and â€Å"Dance at the Gym†similar themes can be heard in both compositions and are identifiable with those characters. Beethoven incorporated a Turkish march in his final movement to represent a military aspect and war, I believe he was talking about what the present held and then moves onto the idea with voices soaring – that all men can be brothers. It is very much like the end o f West Side Story. Bernstein uses frenetic percussion and latin styles to create his mambo theme and the energetic â€Å"America†has a mexican cha-cha-cha feel to it like a mariachi song. He uses themes like Beethoven does in his movements to tie his musical theme together. Bernstein assigns musical themes to characters the way Beethoven returns to them in each of his movements. Like I said earlier – The Jets have similar themes when they are causing a scene – even when they are harassing Anita in the store the music is very disjointed and has elements of the musical themes underscoring their rumble with The Sharks and their other songs as well. Bernstein uses immediate and quick tempo with strings and clashing percussion in â€Å"Tonight (Ensemble)†that sounds foreboding – its almost like the strings in â€Å"Jaws†and there are maracas shaking as well to help illustrate who they are referring to (The Sharks). When Tony and Maria begin to sing, the strings become soft and soaring and feel hopeful. They really soar when Maria begins to sing her part – then immediately they are loud and frenzied when The Jets begin their parts again. When Tony sings â€Å"Somethings Coming†the strings are excited yet soft as he begins to talk about this amazingly great feeling he has. Beethoven really uses strings and brass to produce this feeling of duty almost, at least thats what I hear when the brass gets loud and the strings come under softly and then begin to crescendo before the brass takes over. It sounds very regal and then gets frenetic like The Jets songs. But that is only how it begins. That â€Å"Bah-Bah-Bah-Dum!†that occurs with the brass gives me the idea of duty to your country, military men standing at attention and those sort of ideas. Its like the loyalty the gangs feel to one another and their â€Å"war†in West Side Story. Beethoven and his â€Å"Bah-Bah-Bahs†that happen later tend to ease up a lot – the â€Å"Bah-Dum!†is replaced by another quick â€Å"Bah†instead. Im totally explaining this like I should be fingerpainting and writing this in crayon. The strings get nice and quiet and soothing towards the end – before the chorus busts it down. The chorus starts out kind of sounding stern t o me. Then when the women join it isnt so â€Å"military†like. It begins to take on a happier tone. Then its just all sorts of amazing and breathtaking. The strings get sweet and low (no pun intended) and then the voices come in much quieter and begin to slowly crescendo and its like â€Å"Heeey! Whats up, now? Go on witcha baaad self!†The part I think is awesome is when the voices start singing in the style that reminds me of the English madrigal – its like â€Å"Fair Phyllis†and it is a complete surprise when it just happens out of nowhere – there are the sweeping moments, the regal sounding moments and then suddenly there is the overlapping texture. He creates this feeling of many emotions happening with the differing dynamics much like Bernstein creates so many emotions with the texture of overlapping in â€Å"Tonight (Ensemble)†and his amazing rhythms. To decide which composition is more artistically powerful – I immediately think of Leonard Bernstein and his West Side Story. Not only because the end made me cry like a little bitch, but because there are so many themes and rhythms being explored to tell this age old story that is just as relevant today as it was then and in times before and it will continue to be relevant I am sure of that. It is a lot more distinct to me to see what Lenny was doing with his story, characters, moods and emotions than it was for me to pick things out of Beethovens 9th. West Side Story affected me more on an emotional level. I can identify with the â€Å"love that is not accepted by the majority†theme – and holy shit did I ever have to keep myself from sobbing at the end. I kept saying â€Å"Its not real! Natalie Wood isnt even Puerto Rican! Shes Russian for Christs sake!†I was literally saying these things in my head so I wouldnt bawl my eyes out when she started to s ing â€Å"Somewhere†without accompaniment (which by the way is another way that Lenny used just a single voice to make the audience feel stripped and vulnerable – and it worked – well!). I am just simply in love with Bernsteins music in West Side Story. Research Papers on Bernstein and BeethovenHip-Hop is ArtThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsWhere Wild and West MeetAnalysis Of A Cosmetics Advertisement19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraMind TravelMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductQuebec and CanadaThe Spring and AutumnHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Essay
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