Saturday, August 31, 2019
Affirmitive Action: Reverse Discrimination
Baker 1 Jennifer Baker Reverse Discrimination Even though slavery has not been a part of America for over a century now, racial discrimination still exists in various parts of our culture. A controversial policy known as affirmative action was introduced in the 1960’s to try and promote racial equality in society. Affirmative action is supposed to give minorities an equal chance in life by requiring minority employment, promotions, college acceptance, etc. At first this sounds like a perfect solution to racial discrimination, but in reality it is discrimination in reverse.The term â€Å"affirmative action†was first used back in 1961 by President John F. Kennedy in an executive order designed to encourage racially mixed work forces. He stated that contractors should â€Å"take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed without regard to race, creed, color, or national origin. †(Affirmative Action) Then in 1964 the Civil Rights Act was passed which prohibited employment discrimination based on race or sex. The Civil Rights activists continued to argue that minorities weren’t going to be able to compete with the more qualified applicants after having suffered discrimination for so long.So in 1969 President Nixon made it a federal policy that a certain percentage of minorities must be hired in the workplace. Quickly affirmative Baker 2 action changed from being a policy that ensured equal opportunity to being one that gave unfair advantages to minorities. Affirmative action has remained controversial throughout the years, finding itself in and out of the courts. One of the most famous cases was Fullilove vs. Klutznick, which took place in 1980. The ruling stated that setting aside 10 percent of the hiring for minorities was constitutional.Fortunately in 1996 proposition 209 was passed in California which ended affirmative action throughout the state. This was definitely a breakthrough, but the effects of affirmative acti on still linger. Many businesses and corporations still give preference to minorities even if they are less qualified. Employers fear that lawsuits will be filed stating that applicants were turned down because of their race. Renowned author and political activist Nathan Glazer, has been against affirmative action since its beginning. Glazer believes that the olicy became controversial when it went beyond the ideas of the Civil Rights Act and started requiring employers to hire or promote a certain number of minority applicants or employees. In order to make sure that affirmative action was taking place, federal courts started enforcing â€Å"quotas†or â€Å"goals†for specific numbers of minority hiring. If these were met, lawsuits based on racial discrimination would be less valid. Says Glazer, â€Å"Affirmative action has become a matter of setting statistical goals or quotas by race for employment†¦ the expectations of color blindness that wasBaker 3 paramou nt in the 1960’s has been replaced by a rigid frame of numerical requirements. †(Glazer, 6) Those who oppose quotas and goals are said to be opposers of the Civil Rights Act, even though the affirmative action of today is not what the Civil Rights Act embodied. Glazer compares the misinterpretation of the Civil Rights Act to the desegregation of schools. In 1954, the Supreme Court ruled that segregated schools were unconstitutional. The idea of racially integrated schools, like racially integrated workplaces, is an excellent one.However, the desegregation of schools has made busing a necessity. Busing, although not in use today, is when students are transferred to another school for purposes of racial integration. It is costly to run all the buses and the commuting is hard on the students. Those opposing busing are said to agree with the segregation of schools. (Glazer, 10) The desegregation of schools was also mentioned in the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Initially this s eemed a fair proposal, but just as affirmative action became detrimental in the workplaces, integrating minorities in schools turned into numerical requirements.Can you imagine busing programs being used across the United States today? The scary truth is that once one of these ideas is adopted in one city, any other city can then follow suit. For example, if Santa Cruz County were granted the right to require a 15 percent Hispanic student enrollment in all high schools within the county lines, any other city could also put this idea into practice based on precedent. The assignment of students Baker 4 based on race would cause an endless stream of angry parents. Fortunately busing is in the past, but affirmative action still has its claws in the school system.A few weeks ago I was watching a 60 Minutes segment about a white girl who had filed a lawsuit against the University of Michigan claiming that they did not accept her because of her race. She had graduated from high school with a high GPA and had done everything in her power to become qualified for acceptance, yet she was denied admission. Further research showed that the University of Michigan does in fact admit students based on race. When reading applications, they award points according to criteria. For example, if one writes a good essay he is awarded 1 point and if he is a minority he is awarded 20 points.Something is askew. Is being a minority is 20 times more important than one’s scholarly achievements? The University’s argument is that students learn better in a racially diverse environment. UC Davis is another example. In 1988 only 40 percent of Davis’ freshman class had been accepted solely on the basis of merit. While whites or Asian-Americans needed at least a 3. 7 GPA in high school to be accepted, most minority applicants were accepted even though they met much lower standards. Sixty-six percent of the whites graduated while only twenty-seven percent of blacks did.Even as recently as 1997 one was more likely to get accepted into UCLA if he were black or Hispanic than if he were white. The minority students had both lower GPA’s and test scores. There were 5000 applicants for 200 seats which meant that some qualified students were rejected to make way for less Baker 5 qualified minorities. (Chances of Admission) This does not sound like an equal society. In 1995 the University of California system voted to end all affirmative action in admissions. When the changes took effect in 1998, minority enrollment went down drastically.This seems prejudicial, but in reality it is fair and allows competition between the best, regardless of race. Everyone has an equal opportunity to receive an education. Public schools are free and it is mandatory that children attend them. Any student can take full advantage of their first 12 years of education and earn the GPA that will gain them admission into a college. If a student is born into a poor family there a re scholarships and student loans available. Malcom X is a perfect example of someone choosing to rise up and get an education.Early in his life he made very unwise choices and ended up a pimp. When he was caught and thrown in jail he decided to begin educating himself. All he had was a dictionary but he used that dictionary and copied down every page. He went from being an illiterate street pimp to a very influential political leader. Affirmative action wasn’t around in Malcom’s time, but today everybody knows about it or has at least heard the term used. The first time I heard about affirmative action was when my brother first started working at Ralph’s supermarket.There was a black woman working there who was very slow and unproductive. One day my brother asked a fellow employee why the lady didn’t lose her job and he said, â€Å"She’s here for affirmative action reasons. †It turned out that whenever the lady was scheduled for a shift, a nother Baker 6 worker was also scheduled just to make up for the inefficiency of the black lady. My brother’s boss feared a lawsuit if he fired her. This is ridiculous! It is a costly arrangement and unfair to the lady hired just to take up slack for someone else’s laziness.The policy of affirmative action basically states that in order to have an integrated society with equal opportunities for all races, minorities must be given an advantage to make up for their disadvantages. This means that less qualified applicants are getting hired and that students who do not meet the requirements for college admission are being accepted while qualified students are being turned away, all based on race. The Constitution bans the exclusion of minorities from anything based on color, therefore it is unconstitutional to exclude whites based on the same principles. The lesson of great decisions of the Supreme Court and the lesson of contemporary history have been the same for at leas t a generation: discrimination on the basis of race is illegal, immoral, unconstitutional, inherently wrong, and destructive of democratic society. †(Gross, 1) Affirmative action is asking us to overlook all that we’ve learned and even fought for. Since affirmative action is such a hot topic and it affects our country as a whole, it’s important to know how the presidential candidates view this subject. Vice President Al Gore tends to favor the policy while Governor George Bush disagrees with it.Gore’s idea is â€Å"mend it, don’t end it. †(Al Gore) He says that affirmative action has done a lot for women and minorities over the years and that to get rid of it would be a waste. He has yet Baker 7 to provide a way to fix it. Bush argues against quotas and goals and proposes an alternative to this policy, one he has used in Texas. He terms his system of ideas and policies â€Å"affirmative access†. (George Bush) His idea leans more toward s the original thinking of the Civil Rights Act and promoting equal opportunity. An example is that the top 10 percent of each high school’s graduates be automatically accepted into the college of their choice.Supposedly the idea has been effective over the past couple of years in Texas. Both candidates have good points. Affirmative action has helped reduce minorities’ and women’s suffering prejudices in the workplace and in school, but on the other hand it has been taken to the extreme and the prejudices have been turned around. We need to get back to the heart of what the original affirmative action intended. Racial prejudices need to be eliminated completely. We are all the same on the inside. There is no reason to consider outward appearances.Employers and colleges only need to look at the applicants’ qualifications when determining who will be hired or accepted. Affirmative action could also use a face-lift, like the name change Bush suggested. When the term â€Å"affirmative action†is used, it is looked upon negatively and is associated with discrimination. A law that requires the acceptance of the most qualified would allow competition of the best and eliminate the issues of minority prejudices. If no regard is given to race, as Kennedy intended, then only the most qualified applicant will be accepted. This is fair. Baker 8Affirmative action has, in a way, become unfair to minorities. What is going to make them strive to be the best by working hard to get that promotion or studying hard to get those grades if they know they have an easy in? It has become an insult to minorities. Affirmative action is basically saying that they are not as smart or as qualified to be in good schools or in good jobs. It is saying that they need special help to get jobs and into colleges. It is a mockery. I know so many smart minority people who will transfer into better colleges than I and I’m as white as they come!I sat next to a girl this semester who was so intelligent and had the most amazing style of writing. She was a mix of Indian and black. We must not insult these people by suggesting that we must compensate for their â€Å"inferiority†to make everyone equal in the eyes of the law. We were all created equal, and anyone, black, white, or any other race, can choose to set higher goals and achieve them just as Malcom X did. The old affirmative action is outdated. The premise that minorities should be given an advantage to make up for their disadvantages is ridiculous and irrelevant.Most of the minorities coming into the work force were born after the Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964 and therefore have not suffered disadvantages in school or the workplace. If anything, they have reaped the benefits of affirmative action. California and Texas, as well as a few other states, have begun to take major steps in eliminating affirmative action. It is a start but it needs to spread. We are all equal and absolutely no regard should be given to Baker 9 race in education or employment. It is time to end the old affirmative action. We need a policy that eliminates the issue of race completely.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Striving for Personal Success
Striving for Personal Success University of Phoenix Gen 200 Eleanor Roosevelt once said, â€Å"In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility†(Goodreads Inc. , 2013). Although life can be a major deterrent on success, it also can be one factor in obtaining college success. The personal responsibility a student holds is based on their motivation and self- sacrifices.Success in life and in college can only be measures by the hard work, drive, and dedication. Personal responsibility is defined as relating or pertaining to oneself and the state of responsibility as moral, legal, or mental accountability (Merriam-Webster, Incorporated, 2013). One way of applying personal responsibility in a student's life is to continue to push the limits that other people have placed on them and pushing those boundaries to the max. With huge success can come countless opportunities, th rough these opportunities comes dedication and challenges.It is in how each person deals with those dedication and challenges that makes the sacrifices worth everything. When the idea of quitting occurs is when an individual must lean on his or her support systems to pull them through that state of mind. It is family, friends, and amazing instructors who can be the factors between persevering through the hard times and giving up. The question a student will then have to face is, what is most important to that person? By fguring out that question and realize the time and dedication that has already been applied would be a waste.At this final point the individual has to find the motivation and drive to re light that fire under them and ontinue to strive on. It is that personal responsibility of holding oneself accountable for the hard work that will lead that person to college success. Personal responsibility is a factor in achieving success in life and in college, but personal respon sibility also can be a hinder. By being a college student people not only have dedication to their schoolwork, but also their outside school, such as family, friends, and a Job.The struggle is trying to find that balance needed to succeed in all fields. Alexandra Escobar said, â€Å"Professional women often struggle as they try to alance their work and personal roles, while still trying to grow in both,†she currently holds a master's degree in education and holds a chair for the College of Education at University of Phoenix South Florida Campus (â€Å"How women in business can â€Å"lean in†,†personal roles, but as shown through her degree and position held in her college now the success for a degree is possible.The major factor is time management. Every person must learn to create time for what matters, whether that is to wake up an hour earlier or turn the television off to complete that one assignment. 0. 1. Simpson once said, â€Å"The day you take comple te responsibility for yourself, the day you stop making any excuses that is the day you start to the top†([email protected], 2001). If this degree and college success is what matters, that person will find a way to make it work, or that person will find a way to make excuses.The main question every person must ask themselves is success at this very moment more important than success for growth that can better one's future or not? Personal responsibility and college success are proving to be one and the same. Success in college and in life can only be achieved by one's own self-sacrifice and elf-dedication. Winston Churchill once said, â€Å"The price of greatness is responsibility' ([email protected], 2001). Winston Churchill is right.It is the self-sacrifice of choosing to miss out on social events, school events, or pull extra work hours so that person can finish his or her assignments needed to succeed in their classes. The self-dedication will need to be applied to obtain such greatness. By applying self- dedication and personal sacrifices one is allowing themself to grow in personal success. Each hurdle completed in their college Journey is another step closer to obtain ollege success as well as being able to apply the knowledge obtained into their lifestyle and in return gain success in the workforce.It is each individual's personal responsibility to apply what is being learned in and out of the classroom through their college Journey that will truly allow them to have the greatest form of college success. An educational success will be obtained by a college degree, but also a workforce knowledge and personal growth that can be achieved only by experiencing that balancing act between personal responsibility and college success. In conclusion, personal responsibility is the key to success. Success is also determined by self-sacrifice and self-dedication.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Sunset Grill at Blue Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Sunset Grill at Blue Analysis - Essay Example igger issue to the management and thus prompted analysis SWOT analysis on Sunset at Blue to identify the exact genesis of the problem (Fitzsimmons & Brordoloi, 2014). To help this organization improve the service delivery and customer satisfaction, the concepts of gap model Gap Model was applied to benefit Sunset at Blue. The restaurant management was pleased with performance as they realized high customers and sales particularly on its first year of operations and had earned business of the year in the countries of Simcoe and Grey. However, the management had to device a new strategy to combat a problem that was increasingly building up at the restaurant, and could affect the performance in terms of customer satisfaction (Cheng, 2012). Even though sun set at blue restaurant provided healthy food to customers, the management had a problem of constant long queues of customers especially on Sunday (Fitzsimmons & Brordoloi, 2014). For instance, the servers were only two attending to the customer orders; this could be corrected using Gap model should be applied by the management. This concept entails bridging the gap between consumers in terms of their expectation and management perception that occurs when the management does not correctly perceive the customers want. The fourth in the gap model is directly important in this scenario as it arises between service delivery from the providers and external communication (Reitzel et al., 2014). The gap arises when customer’s expectations are not fully met the time of service delivery as in the case of Sunset at Blue. Due to inadequacy in terms of enough servers, the management of the Sunset at Blue should hire three more servers to ensure quick attendance to the customers’ orders (Fitzsimmons & Brordoloi, 2014). In addition, the management should provide more seats on at the weighting bay for the customers to feel comfortable as they await their service (Rachel et al, 2013). Cheng, C. (2012). Service quality
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Aircraft Maintenance and Structures Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Aircraft Maintenance and Structures - Assignment Example The ability to withstand this weight depends entirely on its maximum landing weight and maximum take-off weight. The main reason for its weight check is to determine the basic empty weight and determine where and how it balances on these conditions. This is also achieved by determining the empty weight and centre of gravity (GüEmes 2006, 47). Being a cumbersome exercise to undertake, especially its either wings or tail dragger, there might be need to determine the middle of gravity and balancing the aircraft might necessitates the need for extra support, this weights that are used to support in the actual weighing process must be exempted from the weight of the plane by determining the tare weight. This is the final weight of all equipment’s that are used up the machine and deducting the weight of the supporting tools to arrive at the actual aircraft weight (Baker et al 2012, 45). The centre of gravity being at a point next to the datum on helicopters and small aircraft, the larger planes middle of gravity is determined in relation to the size of its wings. The wing being the width and the leading and the trailing edge is factored to determine the mean aerodynamic chord and aid in determining the midpoint of gravity too. In the attempt to weigh the aircraft and determine its centre of gravity, a technical responsibility is taken. This is access to information for the purpose of balance and weighs data. This includes aircraft specifications, aircraft operation limit, aircraft flight manual, aircraft weight and balance report and aircraft type certificate data sheet (GüEmes 2006, 57). Before releasing an aircraft to an operation, there are several documents which need to be consulted and fully taken into consideration. Pilot operating handbook gives one of the basic requirements that must be fully adhered before the plane is released to the field to carry its routine (Pardalos et al 2009, 330). Â
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
The History of Blood Gangs in Los Angeles Essay
The History of Blood Gangs in Los Angeles - Essay Example The locals often feel that the immigrants and the minorities are looting their job opportunities and destroying the White dominated American culture and their national identity. In short, both the minorities and the majorities in America are looking suspiciously at each other which resulted in the formation of violent gangs for fighting against the opposite groups. The Bloods are one such African American gang formed in Los Angeles in 1972 mainly to fight against another African American Gang; The Crips. This paper analyses the history of Blood gangs in Los Angeles. As mentioned earlier, The Bloods gang was formed in 1972 Los Angeles, California in 1972 and it is active even now. Even though, it was founded in Los Angeles, currently it is operating across America. Murder, drug trafficking, robbery etc are the major criminal activities of this gang. Even though, Crips was the major enemy group of Bloods, they also fight against other criminal groups such as Folk Nation, Surinos etc. T he formation of Bloods can be attributed to some severe conflicts and differences occurred in the Crips gang about the nature of their attack. Majority of the Crips gang members made no segregation while attacking others whereas some of the Crips members were against the attacking of innocent people. The Crips gang was the prominent violent gang in America before the formation of The Bloods. Crips was formed in the 1960’s for conducting robbery and drug trafficking. In 1972, a group of Crips gang consisting of around 20 members attacked a small group of innocent young men for robbing their wallets and leather jackets. An innocent young man called Robert Ballou was killed in this attack, even though he was not a member of any other gangs. The killing of Robert Ballou has created lot of conflicts in the Crips gang about the objectives of the Gang. Some of the gang members (Piru Street Crisps) argued that killing of innocent people cannot be justified while others argued that no segregation is necessary while conducting their missions. Piru Street Crips with the help of Leuders Park Hustlers and some of the other enemy groups of Crips such as The Brims called a meeting and discussed the strategies to counter the threats of The Crips and the necessities of forming another gang to counter the threats from common enemy; The Crips. The meeting decided to select a new flag in red color for the new gang formed and named the new gang as The Bloods (Bloods Gang Knowledge, n. d, p.1). â€Å"Investigative reports in 1991 placed Crips or Bloods in 32 States and 113 cities†(Walker, 2011). As per the current statistics, no American state is free from the activities of the Blood gang. In different states in America, the Blood gang operates in different sets and names; however, the word, Blood is a part of their gang name everywhere. Some of the Blood sets have members from even female community. The Blood do not have a common or national leader even though diffe rent sets of Blood have regional leadership. The regional leadership or the set leadership is often appointed based on the experience and the severity of the crime committed by the set members. Set members are often referred as soldiers. â€Å"By 1980, there were 30,000 gangs members in Los Angeles County,
Monday, August 26, 2019
Nursing ethics and law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Nursing ethics and law - Case Study Example However, it is not absolute and may be subject to some limitations as far as allowed by the law and Australian Code of Ethics. In the case study at hand, Maria Garza, a nurse practitioner, is faced with a dilemma relating to this aspect of ethical and legal question. She has a young teen, 15 years, who happens to have become pregnant but would not wish to have her mother, among other people, informed of her status. However, the teenager is equally helpless in the sense that she does not know what she would do about her pregnancy and may need to rely on the mother later, more so when the pregnancy complications sets in. The mother on the other hand appears to have taken note of this and has complained and sought an advice from Garza what the problem could be with her daughter, considering her recent frequent nausea and tiredness. Her mother comes in when the nurse is having a session with the daughter, during which she discloses her suspicion and worries to the nurse. 1.1 Main Issue T he main issue in this case is whether or not to conceal and not to disclose the information about a client (patient) that comes into the knowledge of a nurse in the course of her professional attendance to the client. ... The procedure of delivering the chosen course of action, so that neither the mother nor the daughter is harmed also becomes an issue. 1.2 Legal/Ethical Significant Considerations in the Case A number of ethical and moral considerations come into play in this case. Given that the nurse came to learn of Sandy’s pregnancy in the course of her professional duty, it is imperative as a matter of the law and ethics that she keeps it secret and confidential. As already pointed out, disclosing details of the client without the client’s consent or when the law has not permitted is inconsistent with the fundamental duty of confidentiality owed by a nurse to the patient (client). As a duty of the nurse, the correlative of it is that it translates into a right of the client. The Privacy Act (1988) provides that all personal information pertaining to an individual must be kept in trust and not revealed to third parties. In this case, Sandy’s mother may be viewed as a third par ty. Breach of this duty may be actionable in law. However, under the Privacy Act (1988), the duty of confidentiality and safeguard of privacy by those holding private information is not absolute. A professional or any other entity holding the information may disclose it if it is consistent with the purpose for which the information is primarily held or for the secondary related purposes or where the holder of the information is under a legal duty to make such disclosures. In this case, the essence of digging out Sandy’s health complication was to find out how best to have her medical conditions attended to. Given that her low haemoglobin level is attributed to her pregnancy, her parents will have to
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Trading bloc member Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Trading bloc member - Case Study Example With the advantages gained through NAFTA, Quaker Fabrics products can now be resold to customers at a lower cost than it would have been had there been tariffs and licenses fees to honor. They are now able to freely access the Mexican Market and present a much more favorable deal to their partners in that country. It is now cheaper for both partners to conduct business. Quaker would also receive Preferential treatment as opposed to an outsider. Quaker now have an advantage over producers from Asia who export fabric to the United States but do not use US fabrics. (281) This results in an even bigger market for the company but serves as an disadvantage for the Asian producers who may now have a bigger challenge on their hands. They may now have to cut staff and production as there is not enough market to support them as before. In this case Quakers is now able to market their business to other businesses as being cheaper, better quality by customer preference which makes its fabrics more marketable. This may lead to business expansion and the ability to employ more persons for all the partners involved. Greed is essential for competition and survival purposes within the Business to Business marketplace. Business to Business will from hereon be referred to as B2B. ... They may now have to cut staff and production as there is not enough market to support them as before. In this case Quakers is now able to market their business to other businesses as being cheaper, better quality by customer preference which makes its fabrics more marketable. This may lead to business expansion and the ability to employ more persons for all the partners involved. 4 Business to Business Competition Greed is essential for competition and survival purposes within the Business to Business marketplace. Business to Business will from hereon be referred to as B2B. Survival of the fittest is a crucial principle within this arrangement. If an organization is to emerge as the fittest by creating and maintaining a competitive edge there are several factors that come into play. The first rule of the game is knowing your competitors and understanding the marketplace of which you are a part. Organizations have to employ strategic management tactics to arrive at the best analysis of the marketplace and use this to charter the way forward. Jain cites that, "A strategic plan specifies the sequence and timing of steps that will alter competitive relationships." (10). An organisation may have a brilliant strategy in its plans but the untimely implementation of this strategy will render it useless. In strategic planning, companies need to identify and clearly state their goals and "develop rational plans to implement them." (11). The core of strategic planning is based on the relationship of an organization to its environs.It is important that viable plans be put made based on existing and projected environmental changes. To cover all related areas of strategic planning and to execute a successful implementation
Saturday, August 24, 2019
The Process of Changing the Oil in Your Car Research Paper
The Process of Changing the Oil in Your Car - Research Paper Example To change the oil, you need to drain the car first of its old oil. The used oil can be drained out of the oil pan at bottom of your engine. The pan that holds the oil has a drain plug that looks like a big bolt of which you need to remove to drain the old oil. But before removing the drain plug, make sure that you have already positioned your container beneath the oil drain. The container will catch the used oil as it spills out of the pan. When it is already in place, you can now remove the drain plug and let the old oil pour into the container. When all of the old oil is already drained into your container, replace the drain plug and tighten it. After draining the pan of the used oil, you have to remove the old oil filter. Most of the time, you will have to be under your car to do this but sometimes it can be reached from the top of the engine that you will not have to crawl under your car. You can remove the old oil filter by using an oil filter wrench to turn it in the counter clockwise until it’s loosed. But before installing the new oil filter, lubricate it first with the new oil so that rubber gasket can easily be screwed when you install it. After lubricating the new oil filter, you can now fill it with the new oil of about 2/3 of its capacity. After that, you can now install it into its place. Carefully hold it upright and screw it clockwise; remember to be careful because it has oil in it so it won’t spill. Lastly, you can now fill the engine with your new oil. To do this, just remove or unscrew the oil fill cap and inject the smaller end of your funnel. At this stage, it is important to check your owne r’s manual if you are doing this the first time of how much oil your engine can hold. The amount of oil your engine can hold varies with different type of vehicles so it is important to check. When you have already checked the capacity of oil your engine can hold, put the new oil in it remembering that the amount of oil you have put into the engine will be just a little more than ? of what it can hold. Never throw you used oil on the ground, nor dispose it on a river, creek or in a garbage bin. Remember that oil is combustible and can be dangerous to any organism living in a body of water. Instead, call your local gas station or oil change station and ask if they would like to have your used oil. Most of them would take your used oil because this can be recycled for future use. This would not only decrease our dependence for foreign sources oil but also helps to preserve the environment as well. When you have done all of this process without a glitch, congratulate yourself fo r you have just saved yourself some money. Word count: 760
The National Income Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The National Income - Essay Example Thus, net exports denote the difference what a country can produce and what it actually consumes. If the output it produces is insufficient to satisfy consumption, investment, and government expenditures, it will tend to source output from other countries. On the other hand, the net capital outflow is the difference between domestic savings and domestic investment while the trade balance is shown as the total amount that the country receives for its net exports. Through the national income identity discussed above, it can be seen that net capital outflow is always equal to the country's trade balance. If the trade balance and the net capital outflow is positive, the country is running a trade surplus which means that it is a lender in the international financial market and that its exports is greater than its imports. However, if it is negative, it is running a trade deficit which means that it is a borrower in the financial market and imports is greater than exports. Following from this, the impact of any policy on the balance of trade can be identified and assessed by considering its effect in the country's savings and investment. Logically, any policy which causes savings and investment to increase supports a trade surplus while one which causes decline in savings and investment will lead to a trade deficit. In order to ... There are two type of exchange rates: nominal which is the relative price of currency of two countries while real is the relative price of goods of two countries. These two are related in the sense that the real exchange rate is equal to the nominal exchange rate multiplied by the ratio of price levels in the two countries. Thus, if the real exchange rate is high, foreign goods are relatively cheap, and domestic goods are relatively expensive. On the other hand, if the real exchange rate is low, foreign goods are relatively expensive, and domestic goods are relatively cheap. The real exchange rate is directly related to net exports in the sense that when real exchange rate is high and domestic goods are less expensive, it is expected that net exports will be greater as domestic goods will appeal more to other countries and exports are higher. Another determinant of real exchange rate is net capital outflow. It should be noted that the equilibrium real exchange rate is the rate at which the quantity of net exports demanded equals to the net capital outflow. On the other hand, since the nominal exchange rate is determined by the prices of commodities in one country compared to the other, the price level is its most significant determinant. Empirical evidence shows that the high level of inflation which makes domestic goods priced higher will tend to cause a depreciating currency. Chapter 12 The Mundell-Fleming model has been recognized as a dominant policy paradigm for the study of open-economy monetary and fiscal policy. It is the same as the IS-LM Model in the sense that both emphasize the interaction between the goods and money market. Also, these models assume that price is fixed while showing what affects short-run
Friday, August 23, 2019
Closing argument (persuasive) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Closing argument (persuasive) - Essay Example George Milton’s action was necessary. He has no other choice but to take away the life of Lennie. George should not be accused of any crime or he should not be considered guilty. George knows Lennie quite obviously. He is acquainted with Lennie so much that he knows that Lennie is always ready to harm himself with his activities. Lennie is not fully mentally fit and performs acts that are disadvantageous for him and he is not aware of this fact. Such as Lennie has hidden a dead mouse in his pocket, which can be epidemically harmful for him. George took it away from him but he again put it into his pocket. â€Å"George stood up and threw the mouse as far as he could into the darkening brush, and then he stepped to the pool and washed his hands. "You crazy fool. Dont you think I could see your feet was wet where you went acrost the river to get it?" He heard Lennies whimpering cry and wheeled about. "Blubberin like a baby! Jesus Christ! A big guy like you." Lennies lip quivered and tears started in his eyes. "Aw, Lennie!" George put his hand on Lennies shoulder. "I aint takin it away jus for meanness. That mouse aint fresh, Lennie; and besides, youve broke it pettin it." (Steinbeck 5) Lennie wants to pet a dead mouse without considering that it can cause a disease. George takes it away and throws it away twice. George wants to correct Lennie at each and every incidence by guiding him to do the rightful. He knows that his friend mishandles every creature whether it is an animal or a human being. Such as when Curley’s wife allows him to play with her hair, he mishandles them and at last, kills the woman by mistake. He is unable to feel that he becomes a reason for killing creatures by his mishandling. â€Å"She struggled violently under his hands. Her feet battered on the hay and she writhed to be free; and from under Lennies hand came a muffled screaming. Lennie began to cry with fright. "Oh! Please dont do none of that," he begged.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
ICAO personnel licensing Essay Example for Free
ICAO personnel licensing Essay APPLICATION OF ARTICLE 39 (b) [Q- b) If Article 38 has to be complied with regardless of the nature of the difference, and the State legislation is more demanding than the equivalent SARP, should this difference be endorsed on a flight crew license in accordance with Article 39 (b)? ] Article –39(b) provides us that a person holding a license but does not satisfy in full the criteria or conditions laid down in the international standard relating to the class of license or certificate that he holds shall have endorsed on or attached to his license mentioning the complete enumeration of the particulars in which he does not satisfy such conditions. But, there are not provision under Article –39(b) to endorsing the over criteria or extra quality in his license. As a result if Article 38 has to be complied with regardless of the nature of the difference, and the State legislation is more demanding than the equivalent SARP, this difference does not endorsed on a flight crew license in accordance with Article 39 (b). Q- C) Does Article 40 have to apply at all times? Article-40 tells us that about the Validity of endorsed certificates and licenses. It is clearly written that, on aircraft or personnel having certificates or licenses so endorsed shall participate in international navigation. Exception allowed with the permission of the State or States whose territory is entered. Use of any such aircraft, or of any certificated aircraft part, in any State other than that in which it was originally certificated shall be at the discretion of that State into which the aircraft or part is imported. In Abdul-Hussain and Others (1999), the appellants had sought to rely on the defense of duress of circumstance in answer to a charge of hijacking contrary to section 1(1) of the Aviation Security Act-1982. The Applets were Shiite Muslim from southern Iraq, who had fled to Sudan. They were over stayers in Sudan and feared being arrested and return to Iraq where they expected to be tortured and executed. To avoid this eventuality they hijacked a Plane at Khartoum Airport and forced a Pilot to fly to London where they sought Political Asylum. Court of Apple quashed their Conviction. In this case there were enough scope to apply Article-40 of Chicago Convention, but not at all applied. But all time the Article-40 is not applicable. I think it may be applicable in accordance with the situation that demands. Such a situation of 11th September, it demands to apply Article-40. At the same hijacking of Iraqi Aircraft and landing in US may not apply Article-40. It also ought not to apply Article-40 in natural calamities such as bad weather or Tsunami rescue initiative. The context of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) universal safety audit programme, that audit of civil aviation regulation in the United Kingdom took place in July 2000. The findings were generally positive. In the area of general aviation (i. e. non-public transport flying) many Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) contained in the relevant annexes to the Chicago Convention may not been implemented. In this Context, ICAO recommended that the UK should take steps to amend the legislation instead of notifying differences. UK policy with regard to the contents of ICAO annexes is that all Standards where appropriate; Recommended Practices will be reflected in national legislation and requirements. The non-compliances with the SARPs concern operational and equipment requirements not currently prescribed in the Air Navigation. The civil aviation legislation should be amended to remove areas of non-compliance with internationally accepted standards contained in the ICAO annexes applicable for the General Aviation operations. This Most important proposal involves amendment to Article 40, 41, 43, 45, 62, 129 and Schedule 4 and 5 of the Air Navigation Order d) If you argue for changes, prepare draft amendments to the relevant Articles of the Convention. Yes, I argue for Changes in Articles of Chicago Convention of ICAO. The Chicago Convention was under reality of the year 1944. A long time, more then a half-century has changed the national international politics, technological development and changes in life style. So I must think Articles of Chicago Convention required change as time demand. Modification must be in accordance with European Union European Convention of Human Rights. Articles 39 and 40 of the Convention are also relevant to the age limit of pilots-in-command engaged in commercial air transport operations. As they authorize international flights by flight crew those who do not meet all international licensing Standards or provided that an authorization is given by each State into which the aircraft is operated. In practice, it means that if a pilot in command is under the age specified in paragraph 2. 1. 10. 1 (60 years at present and 65 from November 2006) he/ or she cannot be prevented by reason of age from operating into any ICAO Contracting State. For further instance, once he has reached the specified age, that one may still operate as PIC, subject to certain conditions: 1. His/her national Licensing Authority permits it 2. Operations are undertaken only in national airspace untill and unless, 3. Another State has given specific authorization that such flights are permitted in its airspace. A State may wish to impose a lower maximum age limit than that specified by ICAO in 2. 1. 10. 1. It may do this for the licenses it issues, but, as stated above, it cannot prevent an aircraft operated by a PIC holding a licence from another State, who is below the ICAO upper limit, from operating in its airspace. For co-pilots, since paragraph 2. 1. 10. 2 is a Recommendation, not at all a Standard, the upper age limit is set by the national Licensing Authority which can choose to impose any national age limit on the licenses it issues, as there are no international restrictions based on age for co-pilots. Here I shall argue to amend Article-39 (b) and the Draft Amendment is as follows- Draft Amendment on Article-39 (b) of Chicago Convention of ICAO Existing Article –39(b) : ‘Any person holding a license who does not satisfy in full the conditions laid down in the international standard relating to the class of license or certificate which he holds shall have endorsed on or attached to his license a complete enumeration of the particulars in which he does not satisfy such conditions’ Limitations: The article addresed to endorse the disqualifications in the licence, but no option for endorsing over qualification then the standard. There is also no provition for penilizing for disqualificatio. Suggested Amendment: a) Any person holding license, there should be provision of endorsed or attached the complete enumeration of every particulars in which he satisfy or does not satisfy. b) For particular number of unsuccesfull attemps( 3 to 5 attemps), license should be withheld and sent Apprentice. c) For succesful attemps, license category should be upgreaded d) Nationality, race or color may not influence the whole process. e) Providing training for the recommended under Article 39 Conclution The objectivesICAO states that the aims and objectives of ICAO are to develop the principles and techniques of international air navigation and to foster the planning and development of international air transport. ICAO is composed of an Assembly, composed of representatives from all contracting States. The Assembly normally meets every 3 years, votes a triennial budget, and sets the work program for the next triennium. The governing body composed of 33 States, elected by the Assembly for three-year terms. (The U. S. has always been elected to the Council. ) The Council establishes Standards and Recommended ICAO, the International Civil Aviation Organization and is one of the specialized agencies of the United Nations has plaiyed its vital global role for safety of and development of standards for international civil aviation. In the todays global aviation environment, its important to keep in mind that the rights and obligations all countries throughout the world have agreed to observe in matters of civil aviation and ICAO defines rights. I have designed this document to present general overview information on ICAO Atricles as 38, 39 40 and its relevance to our Tropics. There are differnce on how the United States meets ICAOs standards related to aircraft airworthiness is also provided. The purpose of this document is to assist the personnel to understand ICAO act extraterritorially in a manner that might infringe on the rights of another ICAO contracting state. Referance : 1) Crimila Law , Michel J Alen , 7th Edition 2003. 2) Web: http://www. caa. co. uk/ 3. Web : http://www. icao. int.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Open Cycle Regenerator Gas Turbine Power Plant Engineering Essay
Open Cycle Regenerator Gas Turbine Power Plant Engineering Essay A performance analysis and optimization of an open cycle regenerator gas turbine power-plant is to be performed. The analysis is performed by considering the eight pressure-drop losses within the open cycle during the calculation of the power output which is not considered in classical thermodynamic analysis. The power output can be optimized by adjust the mass flow rate and the distribution of pressure losses along the flow path. The power output also can be optimize by having the optimum fuel flow rate or any of the overall pressure drops as well as the overall pressure ratio. A computer program is to be produced to allow user to obtain the performance analysis based on the parameter entered by the user. Keywords Open cycle regenerator gas turbine power plant, pressure drop, pressure ratio. 1. Introduction The gas turbine is unquestionably one of the most important inventions of the 20th century, and it has changed our lives in many ways. Early gas turbines for power generation applications were of low power and their thermal efficiency was too low to be competitive. By the end of the 20th century, however, gas turbines were capable of output up to 300MW with thermal efficiencies of 40 per cent and the gas turbine became widely used in power generation. The power plant usually consists of an air compressor, a heat exchanger, a combustion chamber and a gas turbine. First, the air is being compressed by the air compressor and then being raised its temperature by the heat exchanger before being combusted in the combustion chamber. The air then undergoes expansion in the gas turbine and finally being channel back to the heat exchanger before being released to ambient environment. The gas turbine is used in a wide range of applications. Common uses include power generation plants and military and commercial aircraft. In Jet Engine applications, the power output of the turbine is used to provide thrust for the aircraft. Gas turbines operate on the principal of the Brayton Cycle, which is defined as a constant pressure cycle, with four basic operations which it accomplishes simultaneously and continuously for an uninterrupted flow of power. The Brayton cycle is a thermodynamic cycle that describes the workings of the gas turbine engine that can be used in both internal combustion engines (such as jet engines) and for external combustion engines. It usually consists of a compressor, a combustion chamber and a turbine. The four steps of the cycle are: (1-2) Isentropic Compression-Ambient air compressed in the compressor (2-3) Isobaric Heat Addition-Pressurized air heated in the combustion chamber (3-4) Isentropic Expansion-Expansion of heated pressurized air in the turbine (4-1) Isobaric Heat Rejection-Heat rejection to the atmosphere Pressure ratio Thermal efficiency of a Brayton cycle Isentropic relation 2. Literature review Every gas turbine has three fundamental elements in common, an axial compressor, a combustor and a turbine. These elements work together to produce usable energy. First it converts fuel energy into heat energy and then it harness as much of that heat as possible and converts it into mechanical energy. The more heat it produces, the more energy it can extract. However, basic cycle gas turbine can only achieve maximum efficiency of less than 50%. Thus element such as regenerator, intercooler or reheater can be added to increase its thermal efficiency and the power output. 2.1 Open Cycle Gas Turbine Gas turbines usually operate on an open cycle, as shown in Figure 1. Fresh air at ambient conditions is drawn into the compressor, where its temperature and pressure are raised. The high-pressure air proceeds into the combustion chamber, where the fuel is burned at constant pressure. The resulting high-temperature gases then enter the turbine, where they expand to the atmospheric pressure through a row of nozzle vanes. This expansion causes the turbine blade to spin, which then turns a shaft inside a magnetic coil. When the shaft is rotating inside the magnetic coil, electrical current is produced. The exhaust gases leaving the turbine in the open cycle are not re-circulated. 2.2 Closed Cycle Gas Turbine The open gas-turbne cycle can be modeled as a closed cycle as shown in Figure 2 by utilizing the air-standard assumptions Here the compression and expansion processes remain the same, but the combustion process is replaced by a constant-pressure heat-addition process from an external source, and the exhaust process is replaced by a constant pressure heat-rejection process to the ambient air. 2.3Principal irreversibilities and Losses In real gas turbine, the T-S diagram deviates from an actual gas turbine as a result of irreversibility. There are pressure losses due to fluid friction during compression and expansion. There are also pressure losses during heat addition and heat rejection due to fluid flow. Efficiency of compressor Efficiency of turbine 2.4 Open Cycle Regenerator Gas Turbine Regeneration involves the installation of a regenerative heat exchanger through which the turbine exhaust gases pass. In gas-turbine engines, the temperature of the exhaust gas leaving the turbine is often considerably higher than the temperature of the air leaving the compressor. Therefore, the high-pressure air leaving the compressor can be heated by transferring heat to it from the hot exhaust gases in a counter-flow heat exchanger, which is known as a regenerator. The highest temperature occurring within the regenerator is T4, the temperature of the exhaust gases leaving the turbine and entering the regenerator. Under no conditions can the air be preheated in the regenerator to a temperature above this value. Air normally leaves the regenerator at a lower temperature, T5. In the limiting (ideal) case, the air exits the regenerator at the inlet temperature of the exhaust gases T4. The thermal efficiency of the Brayton cycle increases as a result of regeneration since the portion of energy of the exhaust gases that is normally rejected to the surroundings is now used to preheat the air entering the combustion chamber. 2.5 Brayton cycle with regeneration Thermal efficiency of a Brayton cycle with regeneration: Degree of regeneration 3. Methodologies 3.1 Open regenerated Brayton-cycle for a gas-turbine power-plant Performance analysis will be based on the open cycle regeneration gas turbine power plant model shown above. The cycle consists of a compressor, a regenerator, a combustion chamber, and a gas turbine. 3.2 The temperature-entropy diagram and the flow resistances of the power-plant model The performance analysis will include the with considerations of the eight pressure-drop losses in the intake, compression, regeneration, combustion, expansion and discharge processes and flow process in the piping, the heat-transfer loss to the ambient environment, the irreversible compression and expansion losses in the compressor and the turbine, and the irreversible combustion-loss in the combustion chamber. 3.3 Procedure Perform theoretical analysis on the performance of an open cycle regenerator gas turbine power plant by considering the pressure losses. Write a computer program to analyze the performance of an open cycle regenerator gas turbine power plant with and without pressure losses. Compare the performance of the open cycle regenerator gas turbine power plant with and without pressure losses. 3.4 Expected results 4. Progress report based on Gantt chart Table 1 à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ Progress Report Task done July August September October Information research Preparing proposal Study on thermodynamic Study on related journal paper Study on Matlab Study on related mathematical formulae Attempt to plot desired graph Preparation of progress report 4.1 Current progress The above are some of the sample graph plotted that are similar to the expected results. However, the similarities are limited as the degree of regeneration of the regenerator in the expected results remains unknown. The remaining graphs are still in the progress as there are so difficulties encountered with the mathematical formulae. 5. Conclusion The project is going according to the timeline given. Further analysis on the turbineà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s temperature ratio and the regeneratorà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s temperature ratio will help to create the program desired. 6. Recommendation Further study into thermodynamic will ease the progress of this project. There are one particular journal related to the project that is yet to be purchased. Purchasing this journal will solve most of the problem encountered.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Biological Effects Of Radiation
Biological Effects Of Radiation Radiation describes a process in which energetic particles or waves travel through a medium or space. There are two distinct types of radiation; ionizing and non-ionizing. The word radiation is commonly used in reference to ionizing radiation only having sufficient energy to ionize an atom but it may also refer to non-ionizing radiation example like radio waves or visible light. The energy radiates travels outward in straight lines in all directions from its source. This geometry naturally leads to a system of measurement and physical that is equally applicable to all types of radiation. Both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation can be harmful to organisms and can result in changes to the natural environment. Radiation with sufficiently high energy can ionize atoms. Most often, this occurs when an electron is stripped from an electron shell, which leaves the atom with a net positive charge. Because cells are made of atoms, this ionization can result in cancer. An individual cell is made of trillions of atoms. The probability of ionizing radiation causing cancer is dependent upon the dose rate of the radiation and the sensitivity of the organism being irradiated. Alpha particles, Beta particles, Gamma and X-Ray radiation, and Neutrons may all be accelerated to a high enough energy to ionize atoms. Radiation includes alpha particle, beta particle, and gamma particle. Alpha particle: In alpha particle, the spontaneous process of emission of an alpha particle from a radioactive nucleus. Alpha particle is generally termed as alpha decay. An alpha particle is emitted by a heavy nucleus. The nucleus, called parent nucleus has a very large internal energy and is unstable. An alpha particle is a helium nucleus having two protons and two neutrons. When two electrons orbiting around the nucleus of helium atom are knocked out completely, we have doubly ionized helium atom known as alpha particle. Beta particle: a beta-particle is a fast moving electron. The spontaneous process of emission of beta-particle from a radioactive nucleus is called beta decay. Beta decay is of three types: beta-minus, beta-plus, and electron capture. Beta-minus: beta-minus is like an electron. It is surprising that nucleus contains no electron, then a nucleus can emit electron. In the neutron inside the nucleus is converted in to a proton and an electron like particle. This electron like particle is emitted by the nucleus during beta-decay. In beta-minus decay, neutron in the nucleus is converted in to a proton and a beta-minus particle is emitted so that the ratio of neutron to proton decreases and hence the nucleus becomes stable. Beta-plus: In a beta-plus decay, a proton is converted in to a neutron and a positron is emitted if a nucleus has more protons than neutrons. Electron capture: In electron capture, nucleus absorbs one of the inner electrons revolving around it and hence a nuclear proton becomes a neutron and a neutrino is emitted. Electron capture is comparable with a positron emission as the processes lead to the same nuclear transformation. However, in electron capture occurs more frequently than positron emission in heavy elements. This is because the orbits of electrons in heavy elements have same radii and hence orbital electrons are very close to the nucleus. Gamma ray: Gamma rays are the high energy packets of electromagnetic radiation. Gamma radiations have high energy photons. They do not have any charge and their relative rest mass is zero. Gamma-decay it is the spontaneous process of emission of high energy photon from a radioactive nucleus. When a radioactive nucleus emits a beta particle, the daughter nucleus is excited to the higher energy state. This excited nucleus rays are emitted by the daughter nucleus so it is clear that the emission of gamma rays follows the emission of alpha or beta particle. Non ionizing radiation: Non-ionizing forms of radiation on living tissue have only recently been studied. Instead of producing charged ions when passing through matter, the electromagnetic radiation has sufficient energy to change only the rotational, vibration or electronic valence configurations of molecules and atoms. Nevertheless, different biological effects are observed for different types of non-ionizing radiation Radio waves: Radio waves whose wavelengths range from than 10^4m to 0.1m, are the result of charges accelerating through conducting wires. They are generated by such electronic devices as LC oscillators are used in radio and television communication system. Infrared rays: Infrared radiations have wavelength ranging from approximately 0.3m to 10^ -4m and also generated by the electronic devices. The infrared radiation energy absorbed by a substance as internal energy because the energy agitates the objects atoms, increasing their vibration or translational motion, which results temperature increases. Infrared radiation has practical and scientific application in many areas, including physical therapy, infrared radiation photography, and vibration spectroscopy. Ultraviolet radiation: Ultraviolet radiation cover wavelength ranging from approximately 4X10^4m to 6X10^-10m. The sun is an important source of ultraviolet radiation light, which is the main cause of sunburn. Sunscreen locations are transparent to visible light but greater percentage of UV light absorbed. Ultraviolet rays have also been implicated I the formation of cataracts. Most of the UV light from the sun is absorbed by ozone molecules in the earth upper atmosphere, in a layer called stratosphere. This ozone shield converts lethal high energy ultraviolet radiation to infrared radiation, which in turns warm the stratosphere. X-rays: X-rays have the range from approximately10^-8 to 10^-12m. The most common source of x-rays is stopping of high energy electrons upon the bombarding a metal target. X-rays are used as diagnostics tool in medicine and as the treatment for certain forms of cancer. Because x-rays can damage or destroy living tissue and organism, care must be taken avoid necessary exposure or over-exposure. X-rays are also used in the study of crystal structure because x-rays wavelengths are comparable to the atomic separation distance in solids. Electromagnetic radiation: The wave nature of electromagnetic radiation explains various phenomena like interference, diffraction and polarization. However, wave nature of electromagnetic radiation, could explain phenomena like photoelectric effect, Compton Effect. The cathode rays consist of negative charged particles called electrons which are the constituent of an atom and hence the constituent of matter. According to the concept of radiation example light waves radio waves, X-rays, microwaves etc. are assumed to carry energy in packets or bundles known as photons or quanta.  Biological effect of radiation: In biological effect of radiation, there are many dangerous effects of our health and body. Biological effects of radiation are typically can be divided into two categories. The first category consist of exposure to high doses of radiation over shots period of time producing acute or short term effects. The second category represents exposure to low doses of radiation over an extended period of time producing chronic or long term effects. High dose (acute): high doses tend to kill cells, while low doses tend to damage or change them. High doses can kill so many cells that tissues and organs are damaged. This is turn may cause a rapid whole body response often called the acute radiation syndrome (ARS). Low doses (chronic): low doses spread out over long periods of time dont cause an immediate problem to any body organ. The effects of low doses of radiation occur at the level of the cell, and the results may not be observed for many years.       Although we tend to associate high doses of radiation with catastrophic events such as nuclear weapons explosions, there have been documented cases of individuals dying from exposures to high doses of radiation resulting from tragic events. High effects of radiation: high effects of radiation are skin burns, hair loss, sterility, cataracts. Effects of skin include (reddening like sunburn), dry (peeling), and moist (blistering). Skin effects are more likely to occur with exposure to low energy gamma, x-ray, or beta radiation. Most of the energy of the radiation deposit in the skin surface. The dose required for erythematic to occur is relatively high, in excess of 300 radiations. Blistering requires a dose in excess of 1,200 radiations. Hair loss, also called epilation, is similar to skin effects and can occur after acute doses of about 500 radiations. Sterility can be temporary or permanent in males, depending upon the doses. To produce permanent sterility, a dose in excess of 400 radiations is required to the reproductive organs. Cataracts (a clouding of the lens of the eye) appear to have a threshold about 200 radiations. Neutrons are especially effective in producing cataracts, because the eye has high water content, which is particularly effective in stopping neutrons. High dose effects: Dose (radiation)                                                   effect observed 15-25                                                                    blood count changes. 50                                                              blood count change in individual. 100                                                             Vomiting (threshold). 150                                                                Death (threshold). Categories of effects of exposure to low doses of radiation: There are three general categories of effects resulting from exposure to low doses of radiation. These are: Genetic: the effect is suffered by the offspring of the individual exposed. Somatic: the effect is primarily suffered by the individual exposed. Since cancer is the primary result, it is sometimes called the carcinogenic effect. In-utero: some mistakenly consider this to be a genetic consequence of radiation exposure, because the effect, suffered by a developing is after birth. However, this is actually a special case of the somatic effect, since the embryo is the one to the radiation. Radiation risk: the approximate risks for the three principal effects to level of radiation are: In genetic effect, risk from 1 rem of radiation exposure to the reproductive organs approximately 50 to 1,000 times less than spontaneous risk for various anomalies. In somatic effect, for radiation induced cancer, the risk estimate is developing any type of cancer. However not all cancers are associated with exposure to radiation. The risk from dying from radiation induced cancer is about one half the risk of getting the cancer. In utero: Spontaneous risks of fetal abnormalities are about 5 to 30 times greater than risk of exposure to 1 rem radiation. However, the risk of child hood cancer from exposure in utero is about the same as the risk to adults exposed to radiation exposures. Linear no-threshold risk model: general consensus among experts is that some radiation dose by a linear, no threshold model. This model is accepted by the NRC since it appears to be most conservative. Linear: an increase in dose adults in a proportional increase in risk. No-threshold: any dose, no matter how small, produces some risk. The risk does not start at 0 because there is some risk of cancer, even with no occupational exposure. Exposure to radiation is guarantee of harm. However, because of the linear, no-threshold model, more exposure means more risk, and there is no dose of radiation so small that it will not have some effect. EFFECTS OF RADIATION ON CELLS Ionizing radiation absorbed by human tissue has enough energy to remove electrons from the atoms that make up molecules of the tissue. When the electron that was shared by the two atoms to form a molecular bond is dislodged by ionizing radiation, the bond is broken and thus, the molecule falls apart. This is a basic model for understanding radiation damage. When ionizing radiation interacts with cells, it may or may not strike a critical part of the cell. We consider the chromosomes to be the most critical part of the cell since they contain the genetic information and instructions required for the cell to perform its function and to make copies of it for reproduction purposes. Also, there are very effective repair mechanisms at work constantly which repair cellular damage including chromosome damage. Uses of radiation: Nuclear physics application are extremely widespread in manufacturing, medicine in biology, we present a few of these application and underlying theories supporting them. Tracing: Radioactive tracers are used to track chemicals participating in various reactions. One of the most valuable uses of radioactive tracers in medicine. For example, iodine, a nutrient needed by the human body, is obtained largely through intake of iodized salt and sea food. Radiation therapy: Radiation causes much damage to rapidly dividing cells. Therefore, it is useful in cancer treatment because tumor cells divide extremely rapidly. Several mechanisms can be used to deliver radiation to a tumor. In some cases, a narrow beam of x-ray or radiation from a source such as 60co is used. In other situation, thin radioactive needles called seeds are implanted in the cancerous tissue. The radioactive isotope 131I is used to treat cancer of the thyroid. Black body radiation: An object at any temperature emits electromagnetic waves in the form of thermal radiation from its surface. The characteristics of this radiation depend on the temperature and properties of the objects surface. Thermal radiation originates from accelerated charged particles in the atoms near the surface of the object; those charged particles emit radiation much as small antennas do. The thermally radiation agitated particles can have a distribution of energies, which accounts for the continuous spectrum of radiation emitted by the object. The basic problem was in understanding the observed distribution of wavelengths in the radiation emitted by a black body. A black body is an ideal system that absorbs all radiation incidents on it. The electromagnetic radiation emitted by the black body is called blackbody radiation. Radiation damage: Radiation damage means that electromagnetic is all around in the form of radio waves, microwaves, light waves so on. The degree and type of damage depend on several factors, including the type and energy of the radiation and properties of the matter. Radiation damage in biological organism is primarily due to ionization effects in cells. A cells normal operation may be disrupted when highly reactive ions are formed as the result of ionizing radiation. Large those of radiation are especially dangerous because damage to a great number of molecules in a cell may cause to die. In biological systems, it is common to separate radiation damage in two categories: somatic damage and genetic damage. Somatic damage is that associated with any body cell except the reproductive cells. Somatic damage can lead to cancer or can seriously alter the characteristics of specific organism. Genetic damage affects only reproductive cells. Damage to the genes in reproductive cells can lead to defective cells. It is important to be the aware of the effect of diagnostics treatments, such as X-rays and other forms of radiation exposure, and to balance the significant benefits of treatment with the damaging effects. Damage caused by the radiation also depends on the radiations penetrating power. Alpha particles cause extensive damage, but penetrate only to shallow depth in a material due to strength interaction with other charged particles. Neutrons do not interact via the electric force and hence penetrate deeper, causing significant damage. Gamma rays are high energy photons that can cause serve damage, but often pass through matter without interactions. For example- a given dose of alpha particle causes about ten times more biological damage produced by radiation than equal dose of x-rays. The RBE (relative biological effectiveness) factor for a given type of radiation is the number of rads of x-radiation or gamma radiation that produces the same biological damage as 1-rad of the radiation is being used. Radiation detectors: Particles passing through matter interact with the matter in several ways. The particles can, for example- ionize atoms, scatter from atoms, or be absorbed by atoms. Radiation detectors exploit these interactions to allow a measurement of the particles energy, momentum, or change and sometimes the very existence of the particle if it is otherwise difficult to detect. Various devices have been developed for detecting radiation. These devices are used for a variety of purposes, including medical diagnoses, radioactive dating measurement, measuring back ground radiation, and measuring the mass, energy, and momentum of particles is created in high-energy nuclear reaction. EFFECT OF RADIATION ON HUMANS A very small amount of ionizing radiation could trigger cancer in the long term even though it may take decades for the cancer to appear. Ionizing radiation (x-rays, radon gas, radioactive material) can cause leukemia and thyroid cancer. There is no doubt that radiation can cause cancer, but there still is a question of what level of radiation it takes to cause cancer. Rapidly dividing cells are more susceptible to radiation damage. Examples of radiosensitive cells are blood forming cells (bone marrow), intestinal lining, hair follicles and fetuses. Hence, these develop cancer first. If a person is exposed to radiation, especially high dose, there are predictable changes in our body that can be measured. The number of blood cells, the frequency of chromosome aberrations in the blood cells and the amount of radioactive material in urine, are examples of biomarkers that can indicate if one is exposured high dose. If you do not have early biological changes indicated by these measurements the radiation exposure will not pose an immediate threat to you. Radiation poisoning Radiation poisoning, radiation sickness or a creeping dose, is a form of damage to organ tissue caused by excessive exposure to ionizing radiation. The term is generally used to refer to acute problems caused by a large dosage of radiation in a short period, though this also has occurred with long term exposure. The clinical name for radiation sickness is acute radiation syndrome as described by the CDC A chronic radiation syndrome does exist but is very uncommon; this has been observed among workers in early radium source production sites and in the early days of the Soviet nuclear program. A short exposure can result in acute radiation syndrome; chronic radiation syndrome requires a prolonged high level of exposure. Radiation exposure can also increase the probability of developing some other diseases, mainly cancer tumors, and genetic damage. These are referred to as the stochastic effects of radiation, and are not included in the term radiation. Radiation Exposure Radiation is energy that travels in the form of waves or high-speed particles. It occurs naturally in sunlight and sound waves. Man-made radiation is used in X-rays nuclear weapons, nuclear power plants and cancer treatment. If you are exposed to small amounts of radiation over a long time, it raises your risk of cancer. It can also cause mutations in your genes, which you could pass on to any children you have after the exposure. A lot of radiation over a short period, such as from a radiation emergency can cause burns or radiation sickness. Symptoms of radiation sickness include nausea, weakness, hair loss, skin burns and reduced organ function. If the exposure is large enough, it can cause premature aging or even death.
Monday, August 19, 2019
A History of Jazz and Classical Music :: Jazz Classical Music
Upon entering a modern record store, one is confronted with a wide variety of choices in recorded music. These choices not only include a multitude of artists, but also a wide diversity of music categories. These categories run the gamut from easy listening dance music to more complex art music. On the complex side of the scale are the categories known as Jazz and Classical music. Some of the most accomplished musicians of our time have devoted themselves to a lifelong study of Jazz or Classical music, and a few exceptional musicians have actually mastered both. A comparison of classical and Jazz music will yield some interesting results and could also lead to an appreciation of the abilities needed to perform or compose these kinds of music. Let's begin with a look at the histories of the two. The music called classical, found in stores and performed regularly by symphonies around the world, spans a length of time from 1600 up to the present. This time frame includes the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Contemporary periods. The classical period of music actually spans a time from of 1750 to 1800; thus, the term Classical is a misnomer and could more correctly be changed to Western Art Music or European Art Music. European because most of the major composers up till the 20th century were European. Vivaldi was Italian, Bach was German, Mozart and Beethoven were Austrian; they are some of the more prominent composers. Not until the twentieth century with Gershwin and a few others do we find American composers writing this kind of art music. For the sake of convention, we can refer to Western Art Music as Classical music. Jazz is a distinctively American form of music, and it's history occupies a much smaller span of time. Its origins are found in the early 1900s as some dance band leaders in the southern U.S. began playing music that combined ragtime and blues. Early exponents of this dance music were Jelly Roll Martin (a blues player) and Scott Joplin (ragtime). The terms "Jazz" and "Jazz Band" first surfaced in the year 1900. Some say this occurred in New Orleans, although similar music was played at the same time in other places. The most prominent exponents of this early music, called Dixieland Jazz, included Louis Armstrong and Sidney Bechet. After World War I, Jazz music had evolved A History of Jazz and Classical Music :: Jazz Classical Music Upon entering a modern record store, one is confronted with a wide variety of choices in recorded music. These choices not only include a multitude of artists, but also a wide diversity of music categories. These categories run the gamut from easy listening dance music to more complex art music. On the complex side of the scale are the categories known as Jazz and Classical music. Some of the most accomplished musicians of our time have devoted themselves to a lifelong study of Jazz or Classical music, and a few exceptional musicians have actually mastered both. A comparison of classical and Jazz music will yield some interesting results and could also lead to an appreciation of the abilities needed to perform or compose these kinds of music. Let's begin with a look at the histories of the two. The music called classical, found in stores and performed regularly by symphonies around the world, spans a length of time from 1600 up to the present. This time frame includes the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Contemporary periods. The classical period of music actually spans a time from of 1750 to 1800; thus, the term Classical is a misnomer and could more correctly be changed to Western Art Music or European Art Music. European because most of the major composers up till the 20th century were European. Vivaldi was Italian, Bach was German, Mozart and Beethoven were Austrian; they are some of the more prominent composers. Not until the twentieth century with Gershwin and a few others do we find American composers writing this kind of art music. For the sake of convention, we can refer to Western Art Music as Classical music. Jazz is a distinctively American form of music, and it's history occupies a much smaller span of time. Its origins are found in the early 1900s as some dance band leaders in the southern U.S. began playing music that combined ragtime and blues. Early exponents of this dance music were Jelly Roll Martin (a blues player) and Scott Joplin (ragtime). The terms "Jazz" and "Jazz Band" first surfaced in the year 1900. Some say this occurred in New Orleans, although similar music was played at the same time in other places. The most prominent exponents of this early music, called Dixieland Jazz, included Louis Armstrong and Sidney Bechet. After World War I, Jazz music had evolved
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Ford Motor Company Essay -- Ford Transportation Vehicles Automobiles E
Ford Motor Company Ford Motor Company, a large United States automotive corporation, strives for success each and every year. The success of Ford Motor Company, as well as other corporations, can be measured by analyzing the two most important goals of management, maintaining adequate liquidity and achieving satisfactory profitability. Liquidity can be defined as having enough money on hand to pay bills when they are due and to take care of unexpected needs for cash, while profitability refers to the ability of business to earn a satisfactory income. To enable investors and creditors to analyze these goals, Ford Motor Company distributes annual financial statements. With these financial statements, liquidity of Ford Motor Company is measured by analyzing factors such as working capitol, current ratio, quick ratio, receivable turnover, average days' sales uncollected, inventory turnover and average days' inventory on hand; whereas profitability analyzes the profit margin, asset turnover, return on assets, debt to equity, and return on equity factors. LIQUIDITY Working Capital Ford Motor Company's working capital fluctuated significantly in the years 1991-1995. This phenomenon is directly attributable to the fact that Financial Services current assets and current liabilities are not included in the total company current asset and current liability accounts. For example, the fluctuation from 1994 ($1.4 billion) to 1995 (-$1.5 billion) of $2.5 billion would suggest that Ford would be unable to pay liabilities during the current period. However, examination of the Financial Services side of the business reveals that surpluses of $13.6 billion existed in both 1994 and 1995, convincingly mitigating the figures indicating negative working capital. Current Ratio & Quick Ratio The current ratio in the years 1991-1995 has remained stable, fluctuating between 0.9 and 1.1. The quick ratio has also remained stable, fluctuating between 0.5 and 0.6. The larger fluctuation in the current ratio versus the quick ratio is caused by inventories being included in the asset side of the equation. Although inventories were significantly higher in both 1994 and 1995, current liabilities were also higher. In addition, marketable securities decreased substantially in 1994 and 1995. These factors resulted in the stability of both the curren... APPENDIX DESCRIPTION PAGE Consolidated Income Statements...................................Appendix 1-2 Spreadsheets..................................................Appendix 1 Graphical Representation......................................Appendix 2 Consolidated Balance Sheets......................................Appendix 3-5 Spreadsheets.................................................Appendix 3-4 Graphical Representation.....................................Appendix 5 Consolidated Retained Earnings Statement.........................Appendix 6-7 Spreadsheets.................................................Appendix 6 Graphical Representation.....................................Appendix 7 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows.............................Appendix 8-9 Spreadsheets.................................................Appendix 8 Graphical Representation.....................................Appendix 9 Evaluation of Liquidity..........................................Appendix 10-11 Evaluation of Profitability......................................Appendix 12-13 Liquidity & Profitability Formulas...............................Appendix 14
Essay --
Gay marriage has been a topic of discussion between many people. It is talked in good and bad ways, due to a person’s beliefs or even just their overall opinions. The topic has been present for many years. Throughout the years many things have improved for the rights of the same sex couples. It included difficult times for these couples. They had to fight for their rights. They had to fight people that did not believe that they have these rights. According to Ronald Bailey (page 1), same sex marriage impacts traditional marriage. He also stated that it undermines or looks down upon conventional marriage of heterosexual marriage. The divorce rate among same sex couples decreased. After decades of falling the marriage rate and fertility rate slowly increased and still the divorce rate is down. The divorce rate in different sex couples decreased due to the same sex marriage increasing. In 2003, the divorce rate in Massachusetts was 2.5 per 1,000 people. Then in 2004 the marriage rate jumped 15%. Lesbian couples were 3 times more likely to divorce than heterosexual couples. Gay marriage couples also have kids. Nearly 20% of same sex couple houses have children. Close to 84% of them have biologically related children. Los Angeles reporters stated that 37% of same sex couples have had children of their own in their houses before. By the time that the children are of 17 years old 55% of lesbian couple are separated compared to the 36% of heterosexual couples according to The National Survey of Family Growth. Unlike divorce in heterosexual parents children from divorced homosexual do not experience social or psychological problems. When they divorce 75% of the lesbian couples share custody. In heterosexual (page 2) couples 65% of mot... ...ame the first state to pass in the United States to legalize same sex marriage, governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed this bill. Then 3 years after this on June 16th 2008 California began allowing same sex marriage licenses. Proposition 8 was then launched, proposition 8 was launched to deny same sex marriage rights. Then in 2009 Maine governor John Baldacci signed a freedom to marry bill, which had support from both branches of the state legislature. Even though both legislatures gave support there were also opponents. These opponents also gained support from national organizations which launched a referendum to ban same sex marriage. Voter reserved the legislature in 2012, which again allowed same sex marriages in Maine. There were also out- of- state marriages in New Mexico and Rhode Island. It is a civil right to many the person of one’s choice.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Responsibility for employees Essay
I and two other individuals have agreed to start a business that will provide management consulting services to nonprofit organizations. Because of the increased scrutiny on actions of corporations and those who act on behalf of organizations, we have determined that it would be essential to have our ethics program developed before we start offering our services. A business as a moral agent must prove that it has an effective ethics program to protect employees, the corporation, and businesses that the company will serve. It is also important to have an ethics program to support the ethical values of our corporation and to make it clear to employees what is acceptable behavior, and to make clear what policies and standards are to be followed in our consulting company. It has been proven that businesses who take these steps to prevent misconduct by making the code of ethics clear for their company have had great success with no reputation damage for a period of at least five years for some (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell, 2008). Code of Ethics: A: Standards and Procedures: Responsibility of employees to one another and including management and owners shall be as follows: All employees and personnel of MCS are required to observe the highest standards of personal, professional, and business conduct. Compliance with applicable laws and regulations is the minimum standard in fulfilling ethical duties and responsibilities. Management Consulting Services endeavors to practice honesty, fairness, and integrity in all our dealings with one another, the public, the business community, stockholders, clients, and suppliers alike. This requires that we all take responsibility in ethical decision-making and recognize that all actions must reflect the highest ethical practices. Failure to follow the practices and policies of this Management Consulting Services firm can result in discipline, up to and including termination. All personnel working for MCS will be required to read these Ethics Guidelines and a signature of acknowledgement and consent to work under these terms is required. Responsibility to our Clients. Management Consulting Services will serve our clients with integrity, competence, and without bias. MCS will keep confidential all client information and records of our clients engagements. MCS will use proprietary client information only with the client’s permission. MCS will not allow misuse of confidential client information by our firm or its consultants. MCS will not allow conflicts of interest, which supply a competitive gain to a client through our use of confidential information or property from another client who is a direct competitor without that competitor’s authorization. MCS does not recruit employees of a client or assist them in getting employment elsewhere except by express permission and prior consultation with the client (DiMatteo & DiMatteo, 2001). Responsibility of Management. MCS will not engage in any consulting assignment unless we have a consultant who is qualified to perform it based on their expertise and competency. MCS will assist our fellow consultants in developing their qualities; support them in practicing the Code of Ethics of this profession, and work together with our consultants in a constructive manner. Management Consulting Services will continue to keep our professionals educated by developing their knowledge, skills, and techniques through updated management consulting classes and seminars to remain experts in our professional consulting business. Prior to commencing the execution of any consulting obligation, MCS will ensure that the objectives, range of work, proposal , the professional fees and payment arrangements have all been agreed upon with the client in writing. MCS will immediately concede any influences on our objectivity to our clients and will offer to withdraw from a consulting engagement when a conflict of interest or integrity may be impaired. MCS will document all reports submitted to clients. This will maintain continuity of understanding of the client’s problems and the solutions that have been created for the client in order to have a reference when necessary. MCS will charge reasonable fees that are proportionate with the consulting services we provide, time that we spend, and equivalent to our expertise. MCS does not accept any commissions, fees, or compensation from other parties in connection with any recommendation to a client to purchase equipment, materials, or services as a result of our consulting engagement (Consulting, 2006). MCS will not advertise our services in an illusory or overstated manner or in any other way that may harm the integrity of the profession of management consulting. All clients of Management Consulting Services and all parties involved are required to read and sign an acknowledgement of these terms and conditions. B. Ethics Training Program: Ethics training programs are part of the necessary growth if all companies. Ethics training programs when given at least yearly will foster positive morale among employees and encourage employees to make right choices based on ethics training. Ethics training will also furnish guidelines for protection in liability. The perception of a business is readily determined by the ethics that company projects among its employees, the environment, and the community. If a company has a reputation of having integrity, employees as well as customers and colleagues will be highly honored to be part of or associated with this business (Gordon, 2006). MCS will mandate online Ethics training to be taken yearly for each employee and all other personnel. The MCS individual will be given 30 days to complete the online training to be completed each year no later than 30 days after the date of hire, i.e. date of hire 06/10/2011, a particular employee would have until 07/10 of every year after their employment date to take the yearly online ethics training and have their completion page signed and sent in to the HR Ethics Manager. The PC online training would encompass four specific areas: Enforcement of company rules. Ethical behavior regarding the environment in relation to company property and liability issues. C. Monitoring, Auditing, and Reporting Ethics Violations: The Board of Directors would be in charge of the Code of Ethics for our company and subject to its rules and regulations. We three would be the committee and I am the Ethics manager and officer. Any and all concerns should be turned in via the online program for anonymous purposes and be directly handled by our committee. The employee and all personnel for our company may still contact the Ethics Officer personally if that is the more comfortable way to deliver the ethics concerns and perceived violations. The Ethics committee would be responsible for developing and interpreting policies and procedures for ethics concerns. Quarterly department meetings for interpretation of ethics policies and procedures. Discuss briefly weaknesses with understanding of ethics policies and procedures and answer questions from employees regarding any of the policies or procedures. Explain the monitoring, auditing, and reporting process and again answer questions employees or personnel may have. Monitoring, Auditing, and Reporting of Misconduct. The Ethics officer would be solely responsible for monitoring the online reporting by employees and personnel and take appropriate measures to resolve possible fraud or misconduct as reported to include private discussion with the accused to avoid legal action if possible, and misunderstandings that occur due to lack of full understanding of the company ethics and procedures policies and standards of conduct. This online system would be directly connected to the Ethics officer’s inbox designed outside of email and strictly through the reporting system and not accessible by other personnel. Auditing would include the effectiveness of operations, the credibility of financial reporting, preventing, and examining for fraud, asset protection, and compliance to laws and regulations of state and Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations and compliance with Sarbanes – Oxley Act. Reporting of misconduct can be done in two ways. An employee or personnel may turn it in through the computer online ethics guideline program anonymously or ask for a private meeting with the ethics officer to reveal the perceived misconduct and be protected without fear of retribution. All reports whether to the ethics officer or through the online anonymous reporting system would be strictly confidential and automatically protect the reporting individual. Rewards for following the ethics policies and procedures. Additional Paid Time Off at 1 day per year up to the first four years. After the fifth year of employment the paid time off will accrue at 2 additional days per year. A plaque will be awarded to the employee voted on for employee of the year. The employee or personnel will also receive dining tickets made out to favorite restaurant for $30. Disciplines to include. First warning with defining issues, explaining the policies, and retraining. Second warning will include possible suspension along with retraining and possible restitution by employee if necessary. Third could include termination or plea to Ethics committee for continuation of employment with demerit on pay scale and possible demotion. If legal proceedings develop from a violation then termination is absolute. D. Ethics Program Review and Improvement: The ethics committee will determine on a yearly basis if improvements are needed in specific ethics areas and will discuss and implement updates in all areas pertinent. This will be done through review of online suggestions employees and personnel have offered as part of their yearly online ethics training. An ethical checklist will be used to determine proper growth for the company regarding the ethics culture of our company and to determine needed changes for that growth (McNamara, 1992). Education of updates on a yearly basis in conformance with internal auditing standards to include the following: Ethics Programs. IT governance. Fraud risk management. Technology based audits, due professional care. Prohibition from managing risk. Records retention. References Consulting, F. P. (2006). Our Code of Conduct. . DiMatteo, B. C., & DiMatteo, G. (2001, March 10). Code of Ethics. . Ferrell, O., Fraedrich, J., & Ferrell, L. (2008). Developing an Effective Ethics Program/Implementing and Auditing Ethics Programs. In O. Ferrell, J. Fraedrich, & L. Ferrell, Business Ethics Ethical Decision Making and Cases (pp. 4-85). Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. Gordon, A. (2006, April 6). Ethics Training Programs For Employees. McNamara, C. M. (1992). Complete Guide To Ethics Management. .
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